Because I've been reading them for a whole decade, even though we'll never know if any of that was actually fiction or real life.

WARNING: This list contains RPF and AU pieces.

It might contain crossovers, since there was a point where was deleting RPF stories (eons ago, folks) and writers had to use Camp Rock and Wizards of Waverly Place characters as their main basis. Lots of good Alex/Mitchie stuff, though, powers and everything. And Princess Protection Program, because duuuh .

If you've been in the fandom for as long as I have, you'll notice that some of the main pieces are missing (i.e. "Coping With Clarity", "The Cure and the Cause", "Two Worlds" - this one written in 20-and-fucking-08, people!). I tried my best to look for active links, but these have been either deleted, or their livejournal accounts where they were originally posted h...

mar 6 2019 ∞
apr 21 2019 +

First of all, visit The Bernstein Experience . The website was unveiled after I put this list up, and it's TOTALLY worth your time!

This is everything I've researched so far on the genius Lenny. Each item gives a wider perspective on who he was, both as a person and professional, as well as his multitalents on teaching, composing and conducting. I find him exhilarating to watch, as it seems he felt the music in his veins and his soul. Some might think of him as an exhibitionist, whereas some are thrilled, to this day, with his visible passion for art, stamina on stage and sensitivity to modern interpretations of classical music in general. A remarkable figure in the history of American music.

I don't feel performance or composition recommendations would be relevant to this list, since a lot of his best moments are included in most documentaries, but I might list my favorite ones in a near futur...

sep 9 2017 ∞
feb 19 2018 +