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"so, this is my life. and i want you to know that i am both happy and sad and i'm still trying to figure out how that could be." the perks of being a wallflower

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✔ for the books i have

  • the great gatsby - f. scoot fitzgerald
  • lolita - vladimir nabokov
  • morangos mofados - caio fernando abreu
  • post office - charles bukowski
  • women - charles bukowski
  • the captain is out to lunch and the sailors have taken over the ship - charles bukowski
  • the fellowship of the ring - r. r. tolkien
  • to all the boys i've loved - jenny han
  • casual vacancy - j. k. rowling
  • the picture of dorian gray - oscar wilde
  • howl - allen ginsberg
  • on the road - jack kerouac
  • ensaio sobre a cegueira - josé saramago
  • jack kerouac and allen ginsberg: the letters - jack kerouac & allen ginsberg
  • a vida como ela é... - nelson rodrigues
  • 2001 a space odyssey - arthur c. clarke
jan 22 2014 ∞
feb 8 2014 +
  • mom
  • sleep while i'm listening to music
  • the posters in my wall
  • beach at night
  • spend time imagining the future
  • grandma
  • read books and i fall in love with the characters
  • Cantão
  • "we live by the sun, we feel by the moon"
  • spend the day watching movies and series on netflix
  • japinha delivery
  • "girls" on hbo
  • go to the cinema with my mom
  • auntie belinha
  • swim at the beach
  • imagine my tattoos
  • south zone of rio de janeiro
  • go to my analyst
jan 16 2014 ∞
jan 28 2014 +
  • get good grades for me - and everyone around me.
  • save money for my trip.
  • enjoy the carnival.
  • meet new people.
  • take theatre classes.
  • keep going to the gym.
  • eat healthy.
  • write down every book i read and every movie i watch.
  • don't give up of drawing
  • have new relationships.
  • be bigger than my shyness, sadness or anger.
  • collect memories.
  • make it a better year than what 2013 was.
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +
  • someone who is not ashamed to talk with my family, especially my mother's.
  • someone who stands up for a reason.
  • someone to dance stupid couple songs with me.
  • someone who understands that i love being alone but i feel lonely.
  • someone to laugh with.
  • someone to talk about everything, who not make me think twice before i talk, someone who gets how important is not to judge for me to talk. someone that i can talk about my ideas without think that they are all shit.
  • someone that make me believe that i can be a clementine - from eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
  • someone who accepts me.
  • someone nice, polite and funny.
  • someone who can see beauty in everything, someone who isn't a depressive shit like...
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +
list icon
  • write a book that make people remember how good can a life be, i want give hope and peace to people.
  • live by my own in a apartment in south zone of rio de janeiro. i want to have a room just for books too.
  • have a love to remember forever, even if we were finished, i want love in the most carnal way, in the most sincere way that someone can love.
  • go out at night and feel the freedom in my body and my mind
  • have a memorie that will always make me happy, a special memorie to keep in my heart.
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +
  • "it is hard to stop seeing your son as a son and to start seeing him as a human. it is hard to stop seeing your parents as parents and start seeing them as human beings."
  • "this is what we don't admit about first kisses: one of the most gratifying thing about them is that they are proof, actual proof, that the other person wants to kiss us. we are desirable. we desire. every kiss that matter contains a recongnition at its core."
  • "when you need to hold on to something, you should. whatever gets you through, take it."
  • "they are creating a kiss, and they are also creating their stories, and by creating their stories, they are creating their lives. this can be a very painful process."
  • "you wouldn't think that we would miss ph...
feb 12 2014 ∞
feb 12 2014 +
  • improve my writing
  • a vlog (or blog) talking about books, movies, series, cds - i really want to do that [/indirect] if someone want to do it with me i'd be sososososo glad because i don't have enough balls [/indirect]
  • take thearthe classes
  • pay a trip with my mom to miami - she loves miami (????)
jan 23 2014 ∞
jan 23 2014 +
  • lord of the flies - william golding
  • hate list - jenninfer brown
  • golden boy - abigail tarttelin
  • three one-act plays - woody allen
  • post office - charles bukowski
  • strawberry fields forever - richard zimler
  • two-way street - lauren barnholdt
  • everyday - david levithan
  • two boys kissing - david levithan
  • dom casmurro - machado de assis
jan 20 2014 ∞
mar 13 2014 +
  • we live by the sun, we feel by the moon in my calf
  • no one so lovely can be uncomplicated, no one so beautiful can be happy
  • matching tattoos with my mom and my auntie belinha
  • jedes herz ist eine revolutionare zelle, (every heart is a revolutionary cell) from the edukators
  • femme isn't frail
  • bohemian
  • a mind once opened never closes
  • an equal sign above my elbow
  • an calvin and hobbes's comic strip on my leg or arm
  • a happy face on the right ankle and on the left, a sad face
  • a female sign in my middle finger
  • quotation marks on my right wrist
  • "cada persona es un mundo"
jan 16 2014 ∞
jun 12 2014 +
  • "i always tell the girls never take it seriously. if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. if you never get hurt, you always have fun. and if you ever get lonely, you can just go to the record store and visit your friends." penny lane - almost famous.
  • "yes, i'm drunk. and you're beautiful. and tomorrow morning, i'll be sober but you'll still be beautiful. (in french)" matthew - the dreamers.
  • "i just try to live every day as if i've deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it, as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life." tim - about time.
  • "too many guys think i'm a concept or i complete them, or i'm gonna make them alive, but i'm just a fucked up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind." clementine - etenal sunshine of the spotless mind...
jan 16 2014 ∞
jan 16 2014 +
  • Harry Styles
  • Leo DiCaprio
  • Evan Peters
  • Niall Horan
  • Dylan O'Brien
  • Beau Mirchoff
  • Xavier Dolan
  • Louis Garrel
  • Finn Jones
  • Daniel Brühl
  • Bradley Cooper
  • Michael Cera
  • Jesse Eisenberg
  • Daniel Sharman
  • Josh Hutcherson
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +
  • in a trip. get in a car with some friends and go to a place with a beach. just do two things that day: drive and stay at the beach, i would like to sleep there too and just go away the next day at night to feel the night wind in my head and smell the sea.
  • stay all day in bed with my lover. forget about other people, shut down the phone, just watch movies, eat shit, dance, have sex. live like we are the only two people in the world.
  • have a huge party. neon lights, good music, glitter, dance and have no worries in the world, and a lot of drinks. to enjoy like it was the last party in the world, dance with my friends and fall in love with the people around me.
  • host a dinner at my place. invite my family and the closest friends, make the food, calm music, a lot of talk and laugh. a ...
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +
  • the o.c. - duh. everyone wants to be loved by seth cohen (((everyone))) and everyone wants pool partys and really cool friends and a perfect life
  • teen wolf - don't get me wrong, but, like, stiles stilinski, he's an amazing character, so funny, i really want to be fucked by him but lets face it: he's all derek's. sterek forever, just the thought of they fucking it's enough to me (sososososo hot)
  • awkward - who doesn't want a hothothothot guy in love with you? and CMON the girl is seen as a depressive and her life just get BETTER i really want that omg can you imagine, a beau mirchoff everytime you try to kill yourself (in purpose or not) just omg
  • queer as folk - i wish i was a gay boy
  • sex and the city - i don't think i need to explain
jan 27 2014 ∞
jan 27 2014 +


  • are polite with the others, people who smile to people, people who offer to hold heavy bags, people who respect the others
  • can speak spanish
  • don't look for the right kind of beauty, people who are only looking for beauty
  • admire street artists
  • don't search for the right thing to say, just say what they think
  • are kissers, huggers, "touchers"
  • get too excited about something and forget the appropriate behavior in society
  • defend what believe
  • are poetic


  • laugh at the others' problem
  • are violent
  • think that are always right
  • don't care about personal hygiene
jan 16 2014 ∞
jan 16 2014 +
  • you never can tell - chuck berry (with pulp fiction dance moves)
  • feeling good - nina simone
  • hound dog - elvis presley
  • you're the one that i want - grease soundtrack
  • start of something new - high school musical 1 soundtrack
  • can't take my eyes off of you - frankie vallie
  • hard times are over - john lennon & yoko ono
  • janta - marcelo camelo & mallu magalhães
  • oh my love - john lennon
  • you make my dreams - hall & oates
  • velha e louca - mallu magalhães
  • stay - maurice williams & the zodiacs
jan 16 2014 ∞
jan 18 2014 +
  • About Time
  • Juno
  • Magic Mike
  • High School Musical (1, 2 and 3)
  • Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
  • Dirty Dancing
  • Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
  • Submarine
  • The Bling Ring
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +
  • marina santos - i don't use my real last name because of reasons that i'm not confortable to explain.
  • sixteen and disappointed because, as the north-american culture made me believe, that's not the time of my life.
  • i really don't know my sexuality, but i'm fine with it, i'm worried with other things like "somebody has to fall in love with me, right? at least once!".
  • i love my mom too much for a teenage girl, but i can't help it, she's the best woman i ever met, she's too amazing for her own health.
  • my best friends are the best girls in the world, i'm so lucky to have them, sometimes i feel lonely, but when i talk to them i feel like i'm a part of the best group in the world. i love them, and i believe they are the only people i love besides my family - which have a large part that...
jan 15 2014 ∞
jan 15 2014 +