- "tenho uma coisa apertada aqui no meu peito, um sufoco, uma sede, um peso, não me venha com essas história de atraiçoamos-todos-os-nossos-ideais, nunca tive porra de ideal nenhum, só queria era salvar a minha, veja só que coisa mais individualista elitista, capitalista, só queria ser feliz, cara." - morangos mofados, caio fernando de abreu
- "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - oscar wilde
- “It was a completely selfless love: Tereza did not want anything of Karenin; she did not ever ask him to love her back. Nor had she ever asked herself the questions that plague human couples: Does he love me? Does he love anyone more than me? Does he love me more than I love him? Perhaps all the questions we ask of love, to measure, test, probe, and save it, have the additional effect of cutting it short. Perhaps the reason we are unable to love is that we yearn to be loved, that is, we demand something (love) from our partner instead of delivering ourselves up to him demand-free and asking for something but his company.” - the unbearable lightness of being, milan kundera
- "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - friedrich nietzsche
- "Que sei eu do que serei, eu que não sei o que sou?/ Ser o que penso? Mas penso tanta coisa!/ E há tantos que pensam ser a mesma coisa que não pode haver tantos!/ Gênio? Neste momento/ Cem mil cérebros se concebem em sonho gênios como eu,/ E a história não marcará, quem sabe?, nem um,/ Nem haverá senão estrume de tantas conquistas futuras." - tabacaria, álvaro de campos (fernando pessoa)
jan 16 2014 ∞
dec 31 2022 +