• jordan
    • nicknames include jordgan, jorban, jord, jordy..you get the point.
  • adult (july 15 2003)
  • ae/aer bisexual male
    • any gendered terms are fine i dont prefer one or the other. im just a guy
  • enfj, scuai, sx/so, sanguine, true/chaotic neutral evil 549
  • i did a lot of bad deeds during my past life so god punished me by reincarnating me as a filipino

my discord is reqons

feel free to add me, just give me a heads-up before you do since i'm bad at recognizing people if we haven't already been talking to each other for at least 3 years. dont expect me to be very talkative or initiate conversations first

oct 4 2019 ∞
jun 2 2024 +