dont follow if

  • proshipper / lolicon / shotacon
    • the definition of proshipper depends on who you ask so because of that, here's my personal definition; people that justify creating, jerking to, sharing, or otherwise endorsing incest rape or underage nsfw, even if fictional.
    • obviously fiction isnt a direct reflection of reality, people will always want to explore darker themes, etc. they can exist in media and whatnot, but i think it's important to think about its purpose, the message its trying to convey and the audience it's intended for
    • i dont care much about proship v anti shit all things considered, but if i had to choose between HitlerLoliFeet27 and the side that has proship dni in bio, i think im gonna go on the side that doesn't have the lolicon
  • under 16 but honestly dont expect a followback if youre a minor in general
  • active in any roblox community if we're longtime friends (you know who you are) then obviously you are exempt from this. otherwise, KILL YOURSELF
  • all the other basic shit (im woke and use neopronouns and im not white)

TL;DR dont be a FREAK.

before you follow

  • im often sarcastic, and i will avoid tone indicators for the sake of confusing people. don't take anything i say seriously
  • my block list on twitter is over 280k users because i hate everyone that has a different opinion from me. if i blocked you it is absolutely personal i remember all 280k people i block i have a spreadsheet with every slight someone has made against me.
    • if you reply to my posts with dumb shit im blocking you because i dont care and if you had anything of value to say then you shouldve made your own post instead of making me see it in my notifications
    • 20 dollar unblock fee
dec 1 2019 ∞
jun 2 2024 +