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Welcome to Void Thundercaster's school of Chaos Magick. Check back often for more spells, rituals, books, links, and other interesting things you may need to fill your days with magic.


This is a very low-key ritual spell that is very integral to the goth magical culture. While not all do, a significant portion of the goth scene denizens frequent one or more local coffee houses on a regular basis. This constant presence provides for a good smoke screen, covering from prying eyes the tremendous amounts of magical energy trafficking. The goth mage who uses this spell is able to impart power, transmit simple emotions or intuitions, or partake of power at will. The caster focuses on a cup of coffee, or other beverage, infusing the cup with either their own magical energy, empower it by drawing down external energy, or integrate their feelings into the warm liquid. When the coffee is ingested, the person drinking it will receive a power infusion from another’s donated energy, become enlivened by external power should the caster seek to boost his or herself, or transmit the feeling or impulse to another who drinks. The possible uses of the spell could be boosting the energy of a friend or ally in need, empowering oneself, or passing subtle warnings or impulses onto others. Plus coffee is full of caffeine and just tastes good.

(Components) A cup of coffee or other beverage. It work best to either hold the cup, breathe into it, or stir it. This is a very physical spell, and physical actions transmit the spell best.

jun 12 2014 ∞
jun 12 2014 +