- Hyperventilation
- Confronting a fear (snakes, heights, etc)
- Strong emotive force (love, hate, rage, confusion, etc)
- Meditation (to vacuity or other state)
- Pain
- Spinning (dizziness/confusion)
- Staring into a strobe light
- Running to complete physical exhaustion
- Holding it as long as you possibly can before going to the bathroom
- Adrenaline rush (bungee jumping, parachuting, holding up a 7-11, etc)
- Drumming
- Chanting
- Mantras
- Singing
- Listening to music Really Really Really loudly (especially ambient music)
- Creating artwork
- Holding your breath (either with or without air in your lungs)
- Hunger and/or thirst (fasting)
- Sensory overload (For example, pain, sex, fear, hyperventilation, loud music, and strobe light all at once)
- Sensory deprivation
- Listening to white noise until it’s no longer white noise
- Sitting on a powerpoint (most graveyards, incidentally, are powerpoints)
- Blood rush to head (standing on your head or hanging from your feet)
- Shamanic body postures (see the works of Belinda Gore and Felicitas Goodman)
- Killing something (go get your hunting license and kill bambi– he’s overpopulated, he tastes good, *and* he’s healthy for you!)
- Sacraficing something you value
- Rollercoasters (works best if you keep your eyes shut)
- Gazing (crystal balls, pools, mirrors, a random spot on the wall)
- Sleep deprivation (aim for five days or more for best results)
- Lucid Dreaming (do *not* combine with sleep dep— insanity results, trust me, I know from personal experience. I’m better now… Honest!)
- Martial Arts (if you’re willing to make a ten year investment)
- Jumping through a bonfire
- Dancing
- Lighting yourself on fire (WD40 or a rubbing alcohol and water mixture)
- Mosh Pits (actually just a combination of Loid Noise, Dancing, and Pain)
may 25 2014 ∞
may 25 2014 +