• I come from Swedish heritage. 4 of my great-grandparents were from Sweden.
  • My father died when I was six years old
  • My sisters are 14 and 17 years older than me
  • In 2012, I will be 30 years old. My mother will be 70 and my grandmother will be 100 years old (she is 98 now, and still going strong!).
  • I became an aunt for the first time when I was 11 years old. Now I have a 17 year old niece, and another one at 13. My nephew is also 13, he's the little brother of the 17 year old.
  • Both of my grandfathers died before I was born.
  • There are a history of twin births in my family: My great aunt was a twin and had twins herself and my mother was a twin.
  • Both my mother and her sister had girls; my mother had 3 and my aunt had 2.
  • I have my father's hair, eyes and height and my mother's skin and body figure
mar 12 2010 ∞
nov 9 2016 +