- 9: Houses I have lived in
- 17981280: Minutes since I was born (approximately)
- 10: Jobs I have had
- 2: Siblings
- 17: Cell phones I have owned
- 2: Day of birth
- 9: Month I was born
- 8: Current address
- 4: Piercings (2 in left ear, 1 in right ear and 1 in the nose)
- 13: Pets I've had (5 cats, 2 birds, 2 rabbits, 1 guinea pig, 2 hamsters, 1 duck) + a whole bunch of goldfish
- 34: Current age
- 14: Letters in my full name
- 1,476,277,279: Heartbeats (approx.)
- 40: Age of my mother when she had me
- 170: Height in cm
- 368: Facebook friends
- 25: Number of people I've lived with over the years (including family members)
- 12.487: Days I have lived
- 1982: Year of the dog and the year I was born
mar 12 2010 ∞
nov 9 2016 +