this is a collection of things that people have said to me that i found very touching/nice/beautiful/amazing and just made me feel good about myself.

  • " And when you say no one likes you or something I hope you know that that is so not true.You are so nice in every way, and funny and beautiful. And I don't care if it's in a stupid facebook message, I love you so much. And I could never hate you, I love you too too much. And I hope you know how much that is. And I always want to be those 7 year old girls on the kitchen floor laughing so hard we throw up."
  • "you are a great person and i think everything about you is perfect. your personality is the best personality i have seen. you are my best friend and i deeply respect you. i also think you are very pretty."
  • "You know what I just realized? We're a lot alike."
  • "Once again, you prove yourself to be better than sleep."
  • "Oh my gosh! What a lady like little sneeze you have. I sneeze like a hag, but you sneeze like a princess!"
  • "You are beautifuller than Yoshi."
  • "Y'know, I don't often see someone show such... 'sophistication', so to speak. It really comes across well. It's not too often someone demonstrates themselves to be sophisticated, so when they do, it really stands out. You just seem to communicate on a 'higher level'. I've never felt the need to charm anyone, but I felt that this warranted an exception."
    • ^ Woah.
  • “You’re like the perfect friend for a guy. You’re not super girly, you’re attractive, you’re just chill and fun to hang out with.”
  • "You are wonderful. that is all, I'l remind you, but you need to remind yourself, you are completely and beautifully wonderful. If you ever feel like talking to me DO NOT hesitate, I appreciate you as much as you do me, if not more."
  • "So you're not as awkward in person as you think you are, quite charming actually."
  • "Remember you cant always be ok, and when you don't feel like you are, I'll be there to tell you that you will be, and I'll keep telling you until you are ok. Nothing makes me happier than helping you to be happy, in any way I can. If I failed, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't be there to hold your hand when your hand feels empty or hold you when you feel lonely. Good morning, Jeneva, I hope your day is the best you've ever had."
    • ^ My favorite."
  • "I know that we always say "Oh, she's my best friend" But you know that she's not, because you are. You're my legit best friend. My bestest friend. And she's just like, my friend."
  • "It doesn't matter what you think. You could think you're ugly, but I think you're goddamn beautiful."
  • "Look at you. You're so wonderful. How did that happen? Such a lovely personality boxed into this beautiful thing."
  • "The only thing I care about is you, you mean everything to me, more than anything else in the world. My point is that I love you and I dont want anything to happen to you. Anything."
  • "I want you to know that I completely respect your decision.... I am very impressed with who you are.... and that you are wise enough to figure out what you need....Always trust yourself.....I, in no way, think you are running away from anything or giving up or rejecting me......Rather, I believe you are running to something..... (even if a lot of your running takes place sleeping (or not) in your bed......) So give yourself this time to just be...... Cause the being that you are is quite splendid..... I am glad you are walking around on this earth...... I feel blessed to know you....."
jan 31 2011 ∞
apr 21 2012 +