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I like a lot of things
and I dislike a lot of things.
I find that list making is very therapeutic
But only when it's completely anonymous
I listen to obscure music
& that's about it.

list icon
  • Remember: Never say something for the sheer point of putting down another person, even if it's true. Even if it's in your head, about to come out of your mouth, remember that if a person said something that was hurtfully embarassing and true, that doesn't mean you have the right to retaliate with something that is purely hurtful, even if it is someone related to the topic at hand, or even slightly ironic to the topic at hand. People will find out the truth on their own, without the need of your own intervention. It is simply better to take in said information.
  • Remember: Your true friends have proven themselves in the past, turn to these friends when you are in times of need. If other friends are of a somewhat questionable nature, do not turn to them for help. If these questionable friends ignore you and talk behind your back, then they are not true friends. Wait for them to mature and apologize for their behavior. If they never do, you may never be friends with them in the future. You must accept the possibility of this happening.
  • Do not prove someone's assumptions that you are "clingy" by crawling back to them after they've ignored you and wronged you.
  • Remember: All it comes down to is that: I'm a good friend. I care about other's feelings as if they were my own. I'm not afraid to let people know I care about them. I accept that others affect me and can hurt me, but I do not necessarily forgive and I sure as hell don't forget when someone's wronged me.
  • Remember: You're not in high school, or middle school for that matter. Do not EVER stoop to their level.
mar 23 2010 ∞
mar 2 2011 +