• humans don't know how to live and deal with problems, they just follow the masses and sit on the sidelines making petty comments, giving the false comfort of "it will pass with time," to find that even time betrays us becomes our demise.
  • maybe people are damned. maybe we arent supposed to be working together. i feel like my international relations textbook is biased and overly optimistic of things, since when is everything perfect, oh wait, it's not. We are living in the shadow of a contradictory system. Since when did humans need to work together? We manage fine on our own. I'm just waiting for the backlash of natural human tendencies. But our society might just be oh so set in stone, locked in stone and technology, unable to escape. fix the fundamentals until it's too late these economic downfalls are signaling our demise.
  • feelings and emotions of all kinds, both good and bad will forever in the human unconcious be present. It is the natural state of humans to react. To me I visualize feelings in the form of a swinging pendulum. The pendulum will be in constant motion. There is no single feelingless state. An open portrayal of feelings will only bring human beings closer. A person without feelings is like an intimate object. Such they will be treated by the rest of society.
nov 17 2008 ∞
jul 21 2011 +