this is the diary where the public and private meet

amazing when there are bidding wars over books that idolize and nuance the 60's and 70's, where new age and kitchari happened first

also... no one can understand how hurt he is, how the world and family betrayed him, how lonely he must be to eek out an existence

money is emotional but i would rather invest in him than my fast food proclivities ( he is a very marvelous person, i dont need to prove it to anyone to know this is a fact)

"the rot that is exposed when no one is looking"

i have been feeling less of a need to accumulate fabric

i want to dress like a fairytale who is minimal and monkish (jeans/turtleneck/)

  • these days it is a longing for embellishment (accessories, bejeweled hair..ect ...ect)
  • also workbooks and internal experiments

i like tavi's apartment because the lifestyle is not the stuff itself, but the memories, the personal shared and displayed

the homemade

nov 30 2016 ∞
nov 30 2016 +