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"Relax. You will become an adult. You will figure out your career. You will find someone who loves you. You have a whole lifetime; time takes time. The only way to fail at life is to abstain." ~Johanna de Silentio

"It's never to late to be who you might have been." - George Eliot

listography TERMS
  • I did not even attempt to block out a schedule or manage my time. I just allowed things to happen and then reacted to them instead of planning how they should go.
  • I will not schedule my whole day, because I do not think that will work. However, I will block out time when I will study and time when I will eat, and regardless of other desires I will respect those blocks.
  • I don't know how to study. Thus, I didn't see any use in allotting study time because I have no clue what to do during that time. My textbooks went unopened, and simple assignments were left undone. I also did not plan ahead of large assignments, instead doing them at the last minute.
  • I will look for a resource on campus that will help teach me how to study. I will also address this with my counselor. I will find a way to devote time to each subject individually.
  • I focused all my energy on MA'AM SCAM and neglected my academics.
  • MA'AM SCAM is important and will continue to take up a lot of my time, but if I block out study time as mentioned above I should be able to do both.
  • I stayed up until 3 or later every night, sometimes only sleeping at the crack of dawn, and then slept in until noon. I missed morning classes and skipped afternoon classes. I made no effort to get out of bed until the very last moment, often skipping breakfast (or lunch, as it were).
  • I will decide on a new sleep schedule and keep it. I am not a morning person, but waking up a little earlier will not hurt. Unless I am working on an assignment I will not be the last person to go to bed by more than a half hour. I will always wake up at least a half hour before I need to go to class so I can get breakfast. I will have granola bars in my room in case I cannot get a meal otherwise.
  • I spent every waking moment when I was not with people online, which was not only a huge time-suck and negative in the productivity department, but also made me very unhappy with myself because of the aforementioned.
  • I will arrange my desk so I have a place to put my computer when I am not using it, and I will put my computer there when I don't need it. I will not allow myself to open my computer right when I walk in the room if I do not need something from it. I will devise an organization system for books and paperwork that keep them accessible and within reach.
  • I did not take any walks alone, nor did I really read any books because I was always on the computer. I also did nothing creative.
  • I will make time to take walks alone. They do not only have to be walks departing from my room. I will always have a journal and my camera on hand. I will find some creative outlet, whether it's photography or poetry or something new entirely. I will check out one book at a time and read it in its entirety before it is due. I will always bring a book with me so I can read in my downtime.
  • I did nothing beyond classwork for Chinese, and barely that, so my vocabulary did not broaden and my speaking did not improve.
  • I will attend the Chinese table every week. I will ask to audit 201. I will sign up for a totalingua partner and talk to them once a week. I will do Molly's assignments with her.
  • I didn't have an objective voice from the outside, like a counselor.
  • I will make regular appointments with my counselor and seek out her help often.
jul 7 2012 ∞
oct 11 2013 +