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"Relax. You will become an adult. You will figure out your career. You will find someone who loves you. You have a whole lifetime; time takes time. The only way to fail at life is to abstain." ~Johanna de Silentio

"It's never to late to be who you might have been." - George Eliot

listography TERMS

Daniel: "I'm nervous about flying on such a small plane..." Kathryn: "Well, think about it this way- the smaller the plane, the smaller the explosion."

Kathryn: "My spelling is so bad I'd be a terrible witch!" Sarah: "Hah! That's a pun! That's funny."

Me: "Hannah, look at your legs!" Hannah: "What, these legs?"

Taylor: Shut up. Mr Brown: Good come back! Taylor: Shut up! Mr. Brown: Even better come back!

Me: "What do you dislike me to the extent of?" Courtney: "EVERYTHING. wait, what??"

Daniel: "I'm nervous about flying on such a small plane..." Kathryn: "Well, think about it this way- the smaller the plane, the smaller the explosion."

Kathryn: "My spelling is so bad I'd be a terrible witch!" Sarah: "Hah! That's a pun! That's funny."

Me: "Hannah, look at your legs!" Hannah: "What, these legs?"

Taylor: Shut up. Mr Brown: Good come back! Taylor: Shut up! Mr. Brown: Even better come back!

Me: "What do you dislike me to the extent of?" Courtney: "EVERYTHING. wait, what??"

Zombie with toilet paper attached to its foot runs out of bathroom chasing a guy. Courtney says, "You know, that happened to me the other day."

Jackie: "My mixed dairy beverage brings all the individuals of male gender to my place of residence."

Courtney: "My legs feel like jelly. Rasperry jelly!" Me: "We need to find someone with legs of toast!"

"haha yes. one foot for driving, one for kicking ass." "You don't have to refrigerate box wine." "I bet if I ran the mile when I was drunk, I could do it in 4 minutes!!" ~Courtney

Everyone: What's a piggery? Ben: Well, it's sort of like a shrubbery...

Me: Teach Jerome that poker card game we played yesterday. Kori: Okay. Jerome, do you want to play Screw Your Neighbor? Jerome: Ex-cu-se me?!

"I'm not ungood with double negatives." -Shauna

"That's the way the cookie congos!" -Oma

"I teach freshman in college; it's like kindergarten with booze." - Michelle Forte

"That phrase should go on a bumper sticker or something. “When life gives you lemons, make an atom bomb and DESTROY LIFE and be all like, ‘What now, b****? Got any lemons for me now?’” Okay, not that whole thing. Just the first bit." -April

Hannah: I gotta itch my foot. ... I'll just use my underwear. Me: *raises eyebrow* Hannah: *explodes in laughter* Me: You're going to use your underwear to itch your foot? Hannah: NO! My BUTT!!

may 30 2011 ∞
oct 1 2011 +