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I'm a writer with a love of art journaling, video games, and traveling. I am passionate about indie publishing, worldbuilding, and plotting before writing.


As easy as it is to make me happy, it's just as easy to get on my bad side. Pet peeves, I haz them.

  • People who are total assholes and treat it like it's a point of pride to be a "bitch". Sorry friend, you're just a tactless douche. You probably shouldn't be so quick to brag about it.
  • Women who lack any identity of their own online and take on names like "Mommyof10brats" or "Brandon'sCoDependantWifey". I can't take that seriously, I'm sorry. I don't want to be friends with a wife or mother, I want to meet real 3 dimensional people.
  • People who ask for advice and then come up with a million reasons why every suggestion sucks. If you spent that much energy thinking about your own problem, you'd surely have a list of suggestions.
  • The fact Seth Green is married. I mean she seems like a great match for him and all (how many hot model/nerds are there in the world really?), but damn. I continue to be deeply disappointed.
  • Auto DMs on Twitter. Or ones where they say, "oh great, you're following me on Twitter now follow me on Facebook and my blog too." Maybe I shouldn't be annoyed, but I always am.
  • Religious, sports, or political fanatics. I don't care the slightest bit for any of those topics and people who can't shut up about it grate on my nerves.
  • "Foodies". Even the word annoys me. I don't mind hearing what you have to eat once in awhile, but the number of blogs dedicated exclusively to food is probably a great indication of why America is so obese as a country.
  • People who wear hideous old clothes and think they are cute based strictly on the fact that they are vintage. Sorry guys, nobody can bring back mom jeans and mullets.
  • People who are clearly trying to "work" me. I hate insincere people and I especially hate feeling marketed to.
  • Holidays. Especially ones that attempt to force me to buy shit. Boo!
  • People who oppose gay marriage. I can really get going on the supposed sanctity of the marriage institution. Oh please, hatemongers, preserve it at all costs. Preserve it so straight people can get married to someone they met 20 minutes ago and annul it hours later. Preserve it so straight people can use it to manipulate tax laws and work benefits. Because if a couple who truly love each other and happen to be gay gets married it will ruin it for all the hetero people out there.
  • People who insist that indie publishers are all just people who weren't good enough to get traditionally published.
  • Seeing Megan Fox in a movie. I know nobody casts her because she can act.
  • Being told over and over again by all kinds of media that certain people are hot when it's clear to anyone with two eyes and the ability to formulate independent thoughts that it isn't the case.
may 27 2011 ∞
may 27 2011 +