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most listed here are fics i've read (warning: suho ship heavy). may also serve as a fic rec. (in a slow process of reorganizing them)

listography NEW NEWS
  • (after a while) you learn18+. there are very few things harder for joonmyun than being honest with himself.
  • a light that never goes outnc-17. baekhyun wants joonmyun to be happy. but that entails certain sacrifices.
  • bound for lightnc-17. product integration means joonmyun seamlessly weaving himself into baekhyun's muddled life. the results are astounding.
  • crack crack crack (alt. known as "joonmyun vs. world") ✯ pg.
  • don't gopg-13. every beginning comes from an end.
  • even if we get lost (together) ✯ exo-k discovers there's only so much joonmyun can take before he withdraws into himself.
  • i want to eat you like a piece of cheese pg-13. baekhyun's mouth hangs open as joonmyun starts swaying along to the howling from the speakers.
  • par amornc-17. two halves do not always make a whole.
  • the twelve dayspg. baekhyun has never really liked christmas. a secret admirer seems to want to change that.
  • you and i bothg. not all love stories are meant to last forever.
oct 23 2013 ∞
apr 25 2015 +