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most listed here are fics i've read (warning: suho ship heavy). may also serve as a fic rec. (in a slow process of reorganizing them)

listography NEW NEWS
  • dimples, drugs, and rock & roll pg-13. yixing rocks and junmyeon rolls.
  • dog eat dog In which Junmyeon gets his dog stolen by old man Sooman and Yixing offers him a consolation.
  • leave the light onnc-17. yixing keeps a careful watch on beings and emotion levels. joonmyun watches yixing and his own emotions like a hawk. The space between them is the opening chance and circumstance make full use of.
  • melting pg-15. it’s not love, yixing kept telling himself at night when he couldn’t fall asleep thinking about joonmyun, because his sweaty palms and flushed cheeks whenever Joonmyun’s hand or shoulder brushed against his were just a product of his body being weird and hormonal, not because joonmyun made him nervous.
  • my ugly prettync-17. joonmyeon is the space in yixing's gaps whilst yixing is the seal to joonmyeon's cracks.
  • oh, the places you'll gopg-13. joonmyun is a mail pilot in his early thirties, waiting for a reason to settle down.
  • opportunities and how to miss them
  • painting the bluesr. joonmyun likes painting with pastels and yixing likes singing the blues
  • silver linings
  • the doctor and the pirate r. “pardon me,” the man with the teeth says politely. “do i have the honor of addressing doctor zhang yixing?” pirate!exo au
  • untitled "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... and i've got a thing for leaders."
  • write on me ✯ joonmyun could feel the feather light touch of yixing’s fingers against the inside of his wrist, tracing invisible patterns, drawing lines that teetered off into air.
oct 23 2013 ∞
apr 25 2015 +