• the concept of an interesting question or conversation sadly has become so rare i have come to wonder if it continues to exist.
  • when i become nervous, which is almost the entirety of my conscious living, i say thing that seem to make others uncomfortable or confused or just uninterested.
  • i have nothing else to do but write. im obviously not good at having face to face conversations. i lose all cognitive ability due to my anxiousness and paranoia. i avoid any kind of social interaction because i am going to make a fool out of myself. this is why i write. everything becomes so sim ple. easier to let my thoughts flow. when it is not forced, i could write forev er. no way of controlling the urge, desire.
  • im deranged. i cant stand it.
  • there are things far more painful than death. or death is a gift.
  • i never realized how fragile i was until i was hurt.
apr 3 2013 ∞
apr 3 2013 +