• saint victoria
    • 65,534 people live in victoria, texas from the most recent census
      • saint victoria is has little known about her, and the stories are different depending where you look. the fact is that she was in an arranged marriage to a pagan man, along with her sister anatolia, but the way she was killed is a little sketchy. some sources say she was executed for her faith and refusal to marry, and some say that the man she was meant to marry stabbed her to death in a fit of rage.
      • saint victorias body is incorruptible, meaning it will not rot!
  • saint kuksha of odessa
    • 114,428 people live in odessa, texas from the most recent census
      • saint kuksha was born to very religious parents, and his mother had four children, hoping at least one would enter the lifestyle she wanted for herself. (his mother really wanted to be a nun) he became a hieromonk (a type of priest) early in his religious life, and was sentenced to five years of jail, and three years of exile. i dont quite understand the reasoning for this, ill be real. most of his life was a struggle, up to his death. saint kukshas dead was not violent, he lived the last four years of his life in the holy dormition monastery in odessa. he was very committed to his lifestyle, getting up early each day to pray and do his godly duties despite the authorities efforts to bring him down.
  • saint celina
    • 16,739 people live in celina, texas from the most recent census
      • saint celina doesn't have much information on her either. according to the few english sources i could find, she was married to someone who didn't approve of her religious life. saint celina got more into it once she met saint genevieve, saint celina soon fleeing to the church that her friend was in, where the doors (supposedly) closed on them and would not open until her partner and family consented to her decisions. as far as i could find, she lived a peaceful life and died of natural causes
  • saint catherine (this ones kinda cheating like kuksha, you could name her katherine and have her be called katy)
    • 21,894 live in katy, texas from the most recent census
      • saint catherine was born a princess, and had a vision of mother mary and baby jesus at fourteen that convinced her to convert to christianity. when the emperor began to execute christians, catherine went to him personally and told him he was cruel for doing so. instead of killing her instantly, he ordered 50 people to debate her. she spoke eloquently in defense of her faith, and even converted some of these people who were instantly executed. she was ordered to be imprisoned and tortured, but continued to convert people who visited her in prison. some say that she even converted his wife, who he also had killed. (this is not necessarily truth its a little foggy) he even tried to marry her, but she was like no i love jesus. im married to him. so he tried to kill her on a breaking wheel, but when she (apparently) shattered the wheel with a single touch, he just had her beheaded.
      • saint catherines body is incorruptible! it was (allegedly) rediscovered years after her death!
  • saint rose
    • theres MANY places in texas named rose!! rose city, rosebud, rose hill acres, and glen rose! while looking in the list, i also saw briarcliff and this one is me suggesting briar rose as a name. itd be cool. if you so wished.
      • saint rose was born as isabel flores de oliva, and got the nickname rose when a servant claimed to see her face turn into a rose as a baby! she formally took the name rose when during her confirmation. saint rose was very religious from a young age, fasting three times a week and repenting severely in secret. as she got older and men began to take notice of her, she cut off all her hair and rubbed peppers on her face in her anger, rejecting every proposal. saint rose continued to live a very godly life, taking a vow of virginity and abstaining from eating meat. saint rose died at thirty one, of a long illness. supposedly, she prophesied her death date.
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