--- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

  • "I like Ike."
  • "Do I look like a mailman?"
  • "My son?! Why didn't you make him finish school?"

--- Merlin [1.04]

  • (after Gaius' description of the antidote quest) Arthur: "Sounds like fun."

--- Merlin [1.05]

  • Arthur: "You face the ultimate killing machine. You face me."
  • Gwen: "Not just like Arthur and his kind but ordinary people like you and me."
  • Arthur: "Come on, Lancelot, you're not beating a carpet!"

--- Merlin [1.07]

  • Merlin: "You're dressed!" - Arthur: "Nothing gets past you, does it Merlin?"
  • Uther: "Have you some sort of mental affliction?" - Merlin: "Perhaps." - Gaius: "I'm looking into it, Sire."
  • Morgana: "And killing things mends a broken heart?" - Arthur: "No. But it's good fun."

--- The O.C. [1.01]

  • Seth (after waiter offers them weird food): "Welcome to the dark side!"
  • Seth: "I mean, you can look, but don't look like you're looking."
  • Seth: "Oh. I'm sorry. I should really learn to knock. In case there's a threesome in the bathroom."

--- Merlin [1.09]

  • Arthur: "You should join us in the training. Practise your footwork." - Uther: "I'll show you footwork" (kicks his arse)

--- Merlin [1.10]

  • Merlin: "Yes, it feels good. It's very... swordy."

--- Merlin [2.01]

  • Gwen (falls on top of Arthur): "I'm sorry." - Arthur: "No. My pleasure."

--- The O.C. [1.03]

  • Sandy (seeing that Kirsten has brought Ryan home): "I didn't know you for an impulsive shopper."

--- TW: CoE [02]

  • "We're looking for Ianto Jones." - "You won't find him in my bed, will you? I'm a married man."

--- TW: CoE [03]

  • "And who's the... queer?" - "Oi!!! We're not in '65 anymore!"

--- The O.C. [1.05]

  • Seth: "They're parents... they're supposed to work for us!"

--- The O.C. [1.09]

  • Sandy: "How about Friday?" - Kirsten: "I'll have my people call your people."

--- The O.C. [1.10]

  • Seth: "So when you lost your virginity, I was playing Magic: The Gathering?" - Ryan: "You're still playing it." - Seth: "Yes, but not as much."
  • Seth: "Summer, hi, walk you to bio?" - Summer: "I can walk myself." - Seth: "Oh, great, then you can walk me too."

--- The O.C. [1.11]

  • Kirsten: "I always knew you were a late bloomer, sweetie."

--- Mad Men | 1.03

  • He could be Batman for all we know.

--- Grey's Anatomy | 03.24

  • (Addison): I'm not stripping. - (Derek): It's alright. Already seen everything. - (Mark): True. - (Burke): I didn't.

--- * (SH) Take Watson. (Annoying GF) I intend to. | Sherlock Holmes (2009)

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