• brightside
    • jongdae is a hipster. chanyeol tries too hard sometimes, but it turns out that tryhards are right up jongdae's alley
  • Park "Pussy Smasher" Chanyeol
    • Chanyeol thinks Jongdae is a bottom bitch. Jongdae (eventually) (begrudgingly) agrees
  • Special Delivery
    • Chanyeol thinks that it's time for his son to get his life together and join the family business. Baekhyun has other plans, until he sees the secretary that his father has assigned to him. This job might not be so bad after all, especially after he convinces his father to hire his best friend. Once he sees him, Chanyeol can't help but think Jongdae makes a great addition to the team. so sweet
aug 2 2015 ∞
apr 7 2016 +