• Together Anywhere
    • Kill me now This scene is a bit misleading: with the two of them sitting there, Luhan's hand in Minseok's and his head leaning against Minseok's shoulder, they look like any other happy couple. But this is all wrong. There are serene expressions on their faces, and Luhan's thinking, stop. There are soft smiles on their lips, and Luhan's thinking, go away. Their fingers are laced tightly together, and Luhan's thinking, why are you doing this. Minseok's resting his head on top of Luhan's, and Luhan's thinking, haven't you made this hard enough already? Because, really, this is all very misleading. None of this is what it looks like.
  • When it Rains
    • Exo disbanded, Luhan thinks he still have feelings for Xiumin but shit happens and life moves on
jun 21 2015 ∞
jan 9 2016 +