• Myopia
    • Myungsoo meets Lee Sungyeol on a rainy day. Myungsoo likes to take photographs, and Sungyeol's a design student. Things happen.
    • plaid shirts
        • In which Sungyeol the future designer helps Myungsoo move apartments and discovers the fashion tragedy known as a box of plaid shirts and decides to punish him accordingly. (Sequel)
  • Catching Raindrops
    • Myungsoo lets go of his sanity one day only to have to fall onto Sungyeol. But either way, he figures he doesn't want to back.
  • The Language of Flowers
    • Myungsoo has never been good with words, but sometimes flowers are all he needs to express himself. AU.
  • if you really want to know something you have to be willing to pay the price
    • Sungyeol answers a question Myungsoo's had for a while now
  • Tactility Or Something Like It
    • Everyone just wants to lend a helping hand but maybe Sungyeol wants more.
  • small flowers crack concrete
    • Sungyeol leaves for Japan to film a drama. He doesn’t come back. This is how they cope.
jun 28 2015 ∞
oct 24 2018 +