• if you leave me tonight, i’ll wake up alone
    • Where Infinite gets drunk and falls into a place they never thought they’d end up at.
  • infinite ships tumblr prompt fills
    • from jan 2015. gyujong, hojong, gyusooyeol, woosooyeol, gyuyeol, gyusoo, 2woo
  • Infinite Spectrum
    • A collection of unrelated ficlets/vignettes. Various ratings and pairings.
  • Infinity
    • They were infinite, they were timeless; and also, Sungjong thinks, their love was too. this is so sad yet so lovely at the same time
  • it's all just one gang au
    • The war wasn't as grand as the Back music video made it out to be. There were no flying people unless they were dead, and there, most certainly, were no singing and synchronized dancing.
  • Leaving To Stay
    • Sungyeol. this is sad...
  • lulu's fanservice
    • mainly woogyu with some gyuyeol wooyeol 2woo and woosoo
  • maybe it'll be a sunny day
    • When there is only half a heart in love, it is best to keep it hidden. Myungsoo used to believe that, and he wonders if he held on to that belief for too long.
  • Scraps: unfinished Infinite fics
    • I have a lot of unfinished Infinite fic sitting on my harddrive and I just need to admit to myself that I'm never going to finish them, so I'm posting them.
  • The Nam-Bicycle Chronicles
    • A collection of AU and mostly PWP one (or two, or three) shots, Woohyun/various, around 1-3k each.
  • tsundoku
    • the act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other such unread books. infinite au ask drabbles from tumblr, ratings vary, lengths vary, pairings vary.
  • Vignettes
    • Just a collection of usually-not-that-short Infinite one shots based on random prompts.
  • you lean on me, I'll lean on you, we'll be okay
    • When Howon has an idea, it usually turns out for the best for all of them
dec 21 2015 ∞
jan 15 2018 +