• apply for jobs
    • argo tea
    • others?
  • stop being afraid of submitting art to things
  • see kristin
  • see emily and nick's new apartment
  • finish columbia application
    • essay
    • transcripts
    • immunization records
    • portfolio for scholarships
    • find other scholarships
  • w-2
  • fafsa
  • clean my house
    • bedroom
  • drawing for shannon
  • print for auburn&ivory
  • deposit check
  • make a website
  • write something sometime in my life
  • take new pictures sometime in my life
  • go to the library
  • daydream about living in des plaines
  • licensing stuff with getty images
  • preparations for things with concrete/aritzia
    • dpi
    • price?
    • print, sign, and mail contract
    • resize and send images
    • wait for my huge ass motherfucking check to arrive
  • attempt to make a resume?
  • check starred things in inbox for more things to do
  • thank michelle haft for the amazing book
  • those forms for that one thing
    • also the profile
  • buy bookshelves
    • storage devices
  • deposit saverio's check
  • model release form
jan 18 2009 ∞
feb 22 2009 +