list icon

1. | Describe your personality.:

passionate, warm, playful, soft-hearted, free-spirited, intellectually curious, complex

2. | Define what beauty means to you.:

anything that awakens or moves the soul

3. | Describe your current appearance.:

glassy eyes, silky hair, dewy skin, rosy lips

4. | Describe your appearance overall.:

olive-skinned, dark-haired, slender, petite

5. | Live with __ in your heart.:

gratitude, faith, & optimism

6. | Inner peace comes one step at a time. Name a step.:

identify your deepest priorities and goals- the ones that truly resonate with your soul and light you up inside- then evaluate how much of your life is geared toward actually fulfilling them

7. | Think about or dream up your significant other. Describe their aura.:

humble, trustworthy, good-humored, religious, kind, masculine, affectionate, passionate, open-minded, calm-tempered, emotionally intelligent, direct

8. | Name a pet peeve.:

arrogance / people who habitually look down on others

9. | Find your perfect place. Describe it.:

a small, peaceful cottage in the middle of a beautiful forest where it's always autumn or spring

10. | What is the relationship like with your friends?:

full of compassion, trust, laughter, & love

11. | What is tragedy to you?:

an invitation from God to get closer to Him

12. | What value do you believe in most?:

the simple notion that every living being deserves to be treated with justice, mercy, & compassion

13. | Look into your own eyes for a second. What do you see?:

tenderness, passion, mischief, warmth

14. | What was your first infatuation like?:

innocent, dreamy, unexpressed

15. | Describe your smile.:

expressive, enigmatic, shy

16. | Who or what do you live for?:

nearness to God, the prospect of fulfilling my dreams, & the happiness of the people i love

17. | Describe your family.:

down to earth, principled, hospitable... i'm extremely close to my mom and brothers

18. | Define music.:

one of the most potent forms of intoxication

19. | What's your biggest wish?:

to become the best possible version of myself; to know myself deeply enough to know God

20. | What's the most important lesson you've learned in your life?:

negative circumstances, setbacks, & tragedies can be incredibly painful, but they're a vital component of spiritual elevation because they deepen our understanding of what truly matters in life

21. | What do you hope for?:

spiritual fulfillment & the emergence of a kinder, more just world

22. | What virtue do you believe in most?:


23. | What or who would you give up everything for?:

my faith, family, friends, & innocent beings in dire need

24. | Live to __:

be so good to others that you make them feel grateful they're alive... & be so good to yourself, you die with the satisfaction of knowing you've fulfilled your purpose

25. | What's the most important lesson /anyone/ should learn?:

that living a spiritually empty life is never going to satisfy the innate hunger of the soul, and material attempts to fill that void are always going to fall short

26. | Name a destination you want to arrive to.:

the clouds during sunrise

27. | Look up towards the sky. What word comes to your mind?:


28. | Define love.:

an exquisite bridge that leads two people to a deeper connection with God; one of the most beautiful proofs of God's existence

29. | What's the best advice you can give the generation of tomorrow?:

live from the inside out, never the opposite, and be careful how much of the world you allow to permeate your soul

30. | Define life.:

a brief detour along an eternal journey

31. | What's the best way to describe how you love as an individual?:

deeply & privately

32. | Assuming you believe in Destiny, what do you fear your Destiny might be?:

i really hope i don't die before experiencing spiritual wholeness or true love

33. | Assuming you believe in Destiny, what Destiny are you hoping for?:

a life that i can dedicate to helping people & expressing myself creatively

34. | Some people plan their future. Have you planned yours out?:

to some extent, but Allahu 'alam :)

35. | If so, what are you planning?:

in the near future, i plan to work for a nonprofit i feel passionate about, while doing a lot of freelance writing on the side... i'd eventually like to settle down, publish a novel, & travel the world

36. | What are you striving for?:

inner peace, contentment, and nearness to God

37. | Do you honestly think you'll accomplish your goal?:

i hope so, God willing

38. | Define emotion.:

an innate reaction to the circumstances around us

39. | Assuming you are, how are you unique?:

i tend to think differently than most people, but that doesn't make me better or worse

40. | What makes you a leader or follower?:

i'd say i'm neither; i like to walk my own path and meet people without judging theirs

41. | Define home.:

anywhere i feel like my truest, completest self

42. | How is your relationship with strangers?:

generally a mixture of friendly, warm, and slightly shy; sometimes standoffish if i'm feeling socially anxious

43. | Define poetry.:

one of the most honest, raw forms of human expression; a means of engaging in conversations we can't normally have

44. | Define indulgence.:

the very human impulse to let loose sometimes

43. | Do you have religious faith?:

yes :)

45. | Assuming you do, describe it.:

Shi'a Islam: it's the most ideal, fulfilling pathway to connecting with God & making sense of my existence

46. | Define determination.:

the understanding that some goals are too important to let fear win

47. | Define fear.:

spiritual fear is an essential tool that awakens the soul & keeps the ego in check; worldly fear is a byproduct of lies the ego tells us to keep our souls from elevating

48. | What do you fear most?:

my loved ones getting hurt or dying

49. | Why?:

i can't imagine anything worse :/

50. | Define romance.:

if love is a garden, romance = the sunlight that enables the flowers to thrive (i love cheesy poetic metaphors, can you tell?)

51. | Define romantic. (Yes, there's a big difference.):

anything that strikes the right balance between sensuality, bliss, and raw connection

52. | Learn from __:

your lowest, most painful moments and learn to be grateful for what they've taught you

53. | Know that __.:

you'll never know much, and that's okay; retaining a sense of wonder and feeling at peace with not knowing is one of the most rewarding feelings in life

54. | Remind yourself to ____.:

be mindful of your blessings, especially the luxury of clean water, good health, and peaceful shelter

55. | What keeps people from appreciating life?:

letting our egos rule and blind us

56. | Mistakes are ____.:

valuable opportunities for growth and improvement

57. | Define peace.:

an elusive inner magic; you don't know it's there until you feel it wash over you

58. | Define your past.:

the fertile bed of earth i'm going to bloom from

59. | Define courage.:

the ability to prioritize well in the face of danger or uncertainty

60. | What's the biggest fear you've overcome?:

i used to be terrified of driving, talking to strangers, and making mistakes; i'm thankfully doing better in all 3 areas :)

61. | Define your country's history.:

bloody, imperialistic, genocidal

62. | What are you currently feeling?:

restlessness, peace, & gratitude

63. | Define your life. (Your life specifically.):

a beautiful, unasked for gift

64. | How do you see the world?:

through rose-colored glasses

65. | How do you wish you saw the world?:

sometimes, i wish i could be more pragmatic/realistic and view things in a more normal & rationally comprehensible way, but i think my life would lose so much of its color and meaning

66. | How would you like to live?:

with passion, trust, & boundless faith and confidence

67. | Define humanity [as in people, not compassion].:

God's most beloved creation, yet also potentially the most evil due to our propensity and willingness to harm

68. | Why do you think that word has two completely different meanings?:

there's an interesting difference between what being human should ideally entail vs how people actually are

69. | Define cecity.:

a lack of ability to see beyond oneself; an absence of love & God-consciousness

70. | Are you a controlled person?:

yes, sometimes to a fault :|

71. | If not, why not? If so, why?:

i usually am out of respect for myself, other people, and my values... but i let loose around my closest friends :)

72. | Do you recognize when you get out of hand?:

sometimes a little bit late, but yes

73. | What influences you to get out of hand?:

passion, lack of sleep, enthusiasm, frustration

74. | What do you usually do?:

i sometimes speak too bluntly or become absolutely horrible at making sense

75. | And then what do you do to cope?:

experience a wave of embarrassment and/or regret

76. | How do you deal with things generally?:

i'm usually pretty easygoing and optimistic, but i'm EXTREMELY prone to overthinking things, which can be a recipe for disaster

77. | What angers you most?:

arrogance, injustice, cruelty, & the mistreatment of innocent people, animals, and the environment

78. | What saddens you most?:

that we live in a time where resources have never been more abundant, yet so many people are living in a state of abject deprivation because capitalism doesn't allow for the fair distribution of those resources

79. | What gladdens you most?:

knowing that i have an incredible circle of loved ones and a faith that brings clarity to my soul

80. | Which value of yours keeps you alive?:

patience, hope, & faith

81. | Which goal of yours keeps you alive?:

the prospect of connecting with God, having a positive impact on the world, & having memorable adventures before my time runs out

82. | Life is tricky. What's the biggest obstacle you've encountered?:

my own wicked assortment of self doubts

83. | Have you ever experienced any major tragedy?:


84. | What was it?:

i've experienced many :/

85. | What did it feel like?:

absolutely soul-crushing yet transformative

86. | Are you an introvert or extrovert?:

very introverted by nature, but pretty extroverted in practice

87. | Why?:

i'm introverted because i spend a lot of time lost in the world of my own thoughts & ideas; i'm extroverted because i love being around people, hearing their stories, and figuring out what makes them tick

88. | As silly as it sounds, do you hide from yourself?:

to some extent, probably? but i'm generally pretty self-aware unless i'm sleep-deprived

89. | Some people do. Why, do you think?:

it's probably so much easier to live that way, must be nice :/

90. | What's one of the biggest issues you're going through currently?:

balancing my desire for love with my desire to only marry someone whose soul i genuinely love & click with

91. | Do you think Fantasy has anything to do with reality?:

yeah, i think it's a necessary kind of escapism that makes reality more bearable

92. | Magic happens every day. What have you seen that's magical?:

honestly, children. everything about them is magical, especially the lack of limitations in the way they perceive the world; everything seems possible when you're a child, and that's probably the closest thing to spiritual wholeness

93. | Overall, what do you believe in?:

goodness, and the idea that almost everyone has some in them

94. | Choose a stereotype that best fits you.:

hippie or dervish

95. | Why did you choose it?:

i absolutely love nature, animals, peace, togetherness, and spirituality

96. | What defines your beauty as an individual?:

my commitment to finding beauty in others

97. | Why do you or don't you believe in equality?:

of course i believe in equality, what kind of psychopath wouldn't?

98. | Who are you biast against? Be honest.:

i have an issue with people who hold the belief that capitalism is a perfect economic system despite its multitude of ethical failings

99. | Define proof.:

what the ego demands when it doesn't want to listen to the soul

100. | In one word who are you?:



jul 27 2018 ∞
aug 2 2022 +