Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 20 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

  • I've been deciding that I think I want to be an art teacher. :] My mother says that way I could "do my hippie stuff on the side," and I know what she means of course is my personal work but really, my whole career would be centered in creativity and giving young people the freedom to express their own. Oh yes. I will be going the Dead Poets Society route. Instructions be damned.
  • If I had a working typewriter, I have a feeling I would win NaNoWriMo. As it is, ours is currently unusable, and I haven't found a suitable one yet for my personal use..
  • I think there's good in everyone. Everyone has something beautiful about them. I would rather spend some time learning who people are and why they're wonderful then rush to make assumptions and judgments. Some people must have just hidden it really well. Glenn Beck, for instance.
  • I have come to believe, literally, that God is Love. Everyone who loves knows God, and everyone who doesn't love doesn't know God. Every sentence you can think of that makes a statement about God, substitute the word Love and suddenly it's easy to cut through the lies religion tells. And if you ask Love for something, you become much more aware of what it is you want and whether you're wanting the right things.
  • I'm not religious but Jesus was super cool. I'm much more interested in putting his teachings into practice than in adhering to a religion that's built a shrine around him instead of listening to him.
  • Accordingly, if you notice me acting against my values (as I represent them myself), please tell me. Sometimes it takes another pair of eyes, as the saying goes.
  • I would rather listen to and learn from people from other cultures than try to teach them the "right way" to do things. I think everyone has something valuable to contribute.
  • I intend to live in a treehouse someday. Complete with library. With rolling ladder. I will be sleeping in a teepee. In the treehouse.
  • A somewhat awkward fact about me is: I have seen the Jonas Brothers in concert twice. So far. Sans the company of little girls.
  • I don't like money. I don't like the fact that, because of the place I happened to be born, I was literally born to be a consumer. The US uses 65% of the world's resources. I cannot in good conscience say that it's our right, that we're "blessed," that it's "just the way it is." So I fight. Not always very successfully, but you have to start somewhere.
  • My political views are quite strong in favor of the oppressed, the underrepresented, the disenfranchised, the minorities. I'm perfectly willing to have civil conversations with people who disagree, but don't expect it to not get personal. Politics are about people, and many causes are very important to me.
  • If you want to start a fight with me, the easiest way to do it is to make sexist or racist or queer-phobic remarks, nationalistic rants, or flippant comments about the rest of the world and their worth and contributions.
  • My favorite Shakespeare plays are Macbeth and As You Like It. I just saw the '07 BBC version of AYLI..Here's how Amazon describes it. "If you think stuffy old Shakespeare could be livened up with some ninjas, Kenneth Branagh has heard your call." IS there anything more hilarious than Shakespearean sumo wrestling? I think not.
  • I don't think there's anyone out there for me. Lucky I like being single. :]
  • The people I'm most attracted to are often fictional. Alyosha Karamazov. Henry Tilney. Edward Scissorhands. Harry Osborne, but only in the omelet scene. Horatio. Sheldon and Raj both. The person Angel Clare thought he was and wasn't. I'm still bitter about Angel Clare..
  • Then again, there are the real-life examples of perfection...Johnny Weir. Adam Lambert. J.M. Barrie. Zooey Deschanel. Jon Stewart. Audrey Hepburn. Oscar Wilde. Joe Jonas in high heels.
  • I am in the middle of a very serious experiment testing the qualities of mango and papaya lollipops I got at the bank. I am seeing which one tastes more believable, among other things.
  • A peanut butter + chocolate chip sandwich is a very, very good thing.
  • Creepy movies are usually the best kind. I generally prefer the psychological thriller/Hitchcock genre over your average present-day horror movie, although there are always exceptions. My new favorite is Wait Until Dark. I screamed louder than I screamed in Psycho AND jumped a foot off the couch, so I give it a full five stars. Go get it NOW, haha.
  • One week from now, I will be having the time of my life (again!) in Nicaragua. :] I canNOT wait.

Friendlies :)

  • This is AMAZING. Totally feel ya on 99% of it! (not sure how I feel about the Jonas Brothers...) ;) Random Talia Facts get an A+
  • I like 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 12 the bestest :)
jul 26 2010 ∞
jul 26 2010 +