<idx term="([^<])* ------------------ Add @@ to authors names with periods in sam index Comment out bible index in sam Test sam to scml conversion with syncwords turned on Make sure idx term authors names that need periods have them Copy all idx terms with authors names with periods in new scml Place into qc-ed scml (only replace the idx terms with authors names and periods using technique mike showed me-the counts must match up) Remove @@ symbols at very end bc they can be used in regex throughout the process ------------- Senantic tags provide meaning, and clearly define the content they surround-<table> and <figure>, and <p>- indicates that the enclosed text is a table, figure, or paragraph, as well as how it should be displayed. Non semantic tags are ones like <div>, <nav>, tags that don't provide and information about the content Other non semantic tags are ones like <b> or <i> tags, which only define how the content should look and doesn't provide any meaning to the text Semantic HTML or semantic markup is HTML that introduces meaning to the web page rather than just presentation. For example, a <p> tag indicates that the enclosed text is a paragraph. This is both semantic and presentational, because people know what a “paragraph” is and browsers know how to display them. In HTML4* tags like <b> and <i> are not semantic, because they define only how the text should look (bold or italic) and do not provide any meaning to the text. ----- Raster images are made of pixels; poorer resolution when you scale them bigger or smaller Vector images can be scaled to any size without losing resolution