relationships (best features in a partner)
feb 5 2012
autobio (how i got in trouble as a kid)
feb 4 2012
books (favorite writers)
feb 4 2012
music (the best voices ever)
feb 4 2012
about me (favourite insults)
feb 4 2012
films (favourie movies)
feb 4 2012
about me (my political beliefs in list form)
dec 26 2011
food (least favorite tastes)
dec 26 2011
autobio (advice for my children)
dec 26 2011
about me (things i struggle with)
dec 24 2011
about me (my biggest reasons for living)
dec 24 2011
music (songs i hate)
dec 24 2011
about me (what songs should play on my funeral)
dec 24 2011
about me (where i'd time travel to)
dec 24 2011
movies (favourite actors)
dec 23 2011
performances (favorite comedians)
dec 23 2011
music (song lyrics that speak to me the most)
dec 23 2011
autobio (things i am a bit of an expert on)
dec 23 2011
family (professions found in my family tree)
dec 23 2011
spiritual (my ideas for heaven)
dec 23 2011
places (interesting places i've been to)
dec 23 2011