• Monday 05/15 breakfast 2.50, 1.0 bus, 1.20 a drink, 1.0 doritos. Total 5.70 soles.
  • Tuesday 05/16 bus to UPC 1.0, Jenn ice cream 5.90, Ale ice cream 2.50, kentucky 21.50, bus to go back home 2.0, bus to UAP 0.50, bus to EmancipaciĆ³n 1.0, a bottle of water 1.50, dental materials 68.0, farmaco materials 8.30 cremolada 2.0, bus to go home 1.0. Total 115.20 soles
  • Wednesday 05/17 bus 1.50, 2.0 papa rellena, 3.50 deuda, 1.50 bus, 0.50 bus. Total 9.0 soles
  • Thursday 05/18 bus 0.50, breakfast for Ale and me 5.0, bus 0.50, bus 0.50, lunch 8.0, bus 0.50, bus 0.50, dinner 6, bus 0.50. Total 22 soles
  • Friday 05/19 bus to UPC 1.0, bus 1.0, emoliente 1.0, chifle 1.0. Total 4.0 soles
  • Saturday 05/20 Inscripcion upc 550 soles, menu 12.0, jugos 13, cake 7, uhu 2.0, three ice creams 3.0, pollo 10, species 0.20, mandarinas 2.0. Total 600.2 soles
  • Sunday 05/ 21 compras 9.0. Total 9 soles

Total 765.1

may 15 2017 ∞
may 23 2017 +