films (to watch)
dec 3 2010
wishlist (tangible)
oct 20 2010
music (albums I cannot find anywhere)
oct 10 2010
home and garden (links)
oct 9 2010
to do (in a lifetime)
sep 28 2010
to do (RIGHT NOW)
sep 28 2010
to do (short term)
jul 9 2010
food (apparent negative calorie foods)
may 21 2010
food (cool local-ish restaurants)
may 21 2010
books (to read)
may 17 2010
lists (that I like)
may 17 2010
wishlist (intangible)
apr 30 2010
dreams/nightmares (that I can remember)
sep 4 2009
favorite names (girls and boys)
oct 21 2011
Asian dramas (watched)
sep 28 2010
compliments/insults (to remember)
apr 30 2010
fashion (favorite designers/brands)
apr 30 2010
pets (names for if I had one)
apr 30 2010
words (favorites and to remember)
apr 30 2010
quotes (favorites)
apr 30 2010
petnames (I wouldn't mind being called)
apr 30 2010
resolutions (2009)
apr 30 2010
art (that I made on
apr 30 2010