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"Many people need desperately to receive this message: 'I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.'" Kurt Vonnegut

lisa I LOVE
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  • angelina jolie's brother and I accidentally had the same Whole Foods aisle route as we were late night grocery shopping and then he followed me home (coincidentally). It turns out we either live in the same neighborhood or he knows someone on my block but for one brief moment, I truly believed he was stalking me (really). yes I am a tool.
  • I was carrying a pinata down the street today and in the space of two blocks was approached by two darling boys, whistled at by another and complimented by an old man. Therefore, I resolve to travel with a pinata everywhere I go from this day forward.
  • while I was purchasing said pinata, 80's actress e.g. daily (dottie from pee wee's big adventure, slutty friend from valley girl) was purchasing a couple of her own.
  • I came home for lunch and had a ten minute deepish conversation from the kitchen with someone I thought was my roommate (albeit with a cold), but who turned out to be an electrician.
  • I had a conversation with someone under 30 about edie gorme, who not only knew who she was, but informed me that she has a huge spanish language music career throughout latin america
  • ive become obsessed with band of horses and grizzly bear overnight.
  • My phone inadvertantly sent (my leg was on my purse - must learn to use keyboard lock function) a co-worker I don't know very well the message "you'd so better be getting laid right now" that was, in fact, legitimately sent to a very close friend the might before in jest.
nov 8 2007 ∞
nov 26 2007 +