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"Many people need desperately to receive this message: 'I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.'" Kurt Vonnegut

lisa FILM
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  • dancing and dinner with a Romany (gypsy) family in Romania
  • paragliding over Neuschwanstein Castle south of Munich
  • roadside chai near New Delhi
  • getting trapped inside nepal cut off from all communication (cell phone, email, etc.) when the king closed the borders and shut down phone lines (02/05)
  • running into an old friend from India on the streets in Budapest
  • camping on the banks of the ganges
  • Halong Bay in Northern Vietnam - most beautiful and otherworldly place I've been
  • stumbling upon a buddhist monastery outside of Hue by scooter - the trees sounded like wind chimes as we approached
  • sharing chai and rice at a sikh community centre center near agra
  • after having been mildly assaulted by a drunk serbian war vet on the train to belgrade, two young serbian musicians helped me find my hotel and restored my faith in humanity
  • left my passport on the island of korcula. A nice local fisherman retrieved it, returned it to me in Dubrovnik and asked me to only share a bottle of croatian wine for payment.
  • finding Au fil des saisons restaurant in paris
  • standing on the observation deck at the World Trade Center in 1978
  • getting drunk in a hostel with my sister in Venice and passing out on the stairs
  • eating gelati in february in florence in the middle of the first snow in 15 years
  • erin getting mistaken for alannis morissette by schoolkids at the Uffizi in Florence - I egged them on until she was signing autographs and singing a capella
  • hiding out in Prague with erin for 3 weeks
  • oscar wilde at pere-lachaise in the rain
  • denise and joachim at hotel mozart in vienna
  • all buskers and street musicians of the world
  • my porn actor/coffee friend/tour guide in budapest
  • all the inspiring, heartbreaking, brilliant, hysterically funny, emotional and so very young artists I have met in my travels, especially ben
  • mad and eniko
  • the varanasi ghats
  • many magical dinners offered by strangers everywhere
  • belgrade after-hours
  • charles bridge at sunrise in prague
  • the cemetery at vysehrad
  • climbing an alpine mountain in slovenia and recording my name
  • cafe nights ih Ljubljana
  • jude law asking me for the time as he stepped off a yacht on the island of hvar in croatia
  • my dad stopping at every "giant ball of twine," "hanging judge," random americana roadise attraction that we asked him to on a drive from California to New Jersey and back in 1977
jun 25 2007 ∞
jul 15 2007 +