- "She was the best thing that has ever happened to me"
- "She was the best mom ever"
- "She was the love of my life"
- "I hope I will be just like her"
- "She will be greatly missed"
- "I went to high school with her..."
- "She was my best friend"
- "We always laughed and cried together"
- "She was the best child any parent could have ever wanted"
- "She will never be forgotten"
- "Her legacy will live forever"
- "She was the best person I knew.."
- "She was the most beautiful woman..."
- "She was so kind and caring and friendly..."
- "She had a heart for loving everybody"
- "I deeply regret bullying her"
- "I can't believe she's really gone"
- "She will live forever"
- "Anna Livi was the first singer to not be known for only one genre of music. She was so diverse."
- "There was nothing she couldn't do"
- "She was my role model"
- "She loved everyone..."
- "She never bullied a single soul"
- "She's the most beautiful angel that God has ever received"
- "She's gone, but never forgotten"
- "Too young to die"
- "So smart.. So intelligent. I was blessed to work with her"
- "I went to college with her.."
- "She was the best roommate I had ever had"
- "She was the best wife I could've asked for"
- "Ever since I first laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one"
- " She's my everything"
- "She was perfect"

mar 23 2015 ∞
mar 23 2015 +