- Accepts tattoos and piercings
- Agrees with me
- Artistic
- Asks me for advice
- Can harmonize
- Can sing well (but not AS good as me)
- Country music fan
- Creative
- Does not like One Direction
- Has a car
- Has a family that likes me
- Has my sense of style
- Is a Christian
- is liked by my mom and dad
- Isn't judgmental
- Isn't weight conscious
- Knows all the cliche movies
- Knows how to do hair, nails, and makeup really well
- Knows some really cool things
- Likes AHS
- Likes cats
- Likes horror movies
- Likes Kesha and Carrie Underwood
- Likes MSU
- Likes my bf
- Likes my mom and dad
- Likes OITNB
- Likes shopping
- Likes to talk about me but in a nice way
- Likes Twilight & The Hunger games
- Listens to me
- Loves social media like me
- Makes me feel good about myself
- Reads poetry , like Ellen Hopkins
- Shares things
- Short like me
- Smart
- Someone I can drive around with
- Someone that can keep a secret
- Someone that doesn't do illicit drugs of any kind
- Someone who will take risks with me
- Still watches Nickelodeon
- Wears a size 6 in shoes so we can share shoes
- Will call me at random times to see how I am
- Will do anything I want
- Will eat ice cream with me
- Will go anywhere with me
- Will let me borrow clothes
- Will not ignore me if she has a boyfriend
- Will stay on the phone with me until 4 AM
- Will take me swimming
- Will try new things with me
- Will vape with me
- Won't be negative
- Workout buddy

may 24 2015 ∞
jan 10 2022 +