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Clt airport – 3.25 (~3:15 p.m.)
- mau dropped Sammy and i off and i started sobbing. We had such a nice time together and thinking of leaving her (even though it’s for a few days)… i dunno. I am overcome with love and affection and adoration for mau always but esp today and a stranger found me and said he saw me saying goodbye to my friend and he (and everyone else in the car) thought i needed another hug. They said it was a sweet interaction
American Airlines gate – 3.25 (~3:23 p.m.)
- I was checking my bag and the agent asked for my passport. “Passport?” I asked back. “Yeah baby, you’re going to Dublin,” she said. I apologized and explained it was my first time traveling internationally. “Are you going alone?” “No, I’m going with him,” and pointed to Sammy. She grabbed her heart and said “Oh my baby girl, I am so glad.”
Text from mom in the airport – 3.25 (4:01 p.m.)
– YOU are my sweetest, love.💗 I miss you!😘
I pray for you every night and especially for when you are on planes and/or are in other countries or any unfamiliar areas. I also pray that you have a wonderful and fun filled experience!
I love you, angel. You are my treasure.