Key: * means to a small degree, ** means to a medium degree, *** means to a great degree
- Acrophobia – fear of heights*
- Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.**
- Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals**
- Aichmophobia – fear of sharp or pointed objects (such as a needle or knife)*
- Arachnophobia – fear of spiders**
- Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning**
- Atychiphobia – fear of failure***
- Aviophobia, Aviatophobia – fear of flying*
- Chiroptophobia – fear of bats*
- Decidophobia – fear of making decisions*
- Emetophobia – fear of vomiting*
- Gelotophobia – fear of being laughed at**
- Hamartophobia - fear of error or sin**
- Haptephobia – fear of being touched*
- Harpaxophobia - fear of robbers and/or attacked by a robber*
- Hoplophobia – fear of weapons, specifically firearms*
- Mysophobia – fear of germs, contamination or dirt*
- Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead***
- Nosophobia – fear of contracting a disease**
- Nyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia – fear of darkness*
- Pharmacophobia – fear of medications*
- Sociophobia – fear of people or social situations**
- Scopophobia – fear of being looked at or stared at*
- Spheksophobia – fear of wasps*
- Telephone phobia – fear or reluctance of making or taking phone calls***
- Trypanophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia – fear of needles or injection**