• great and buried advice for you, ADHDers
    • Realize that you gain nothing from being shy. That doesn't mean you have to start making speeches in front of crowds. It means you have to be as open and honest as you plainly can be. There's nothing wrong with emotions and there's nothing wrong with telling people how you feel about something. No one can ever contest how you feel. Being an open book may sound like a vulnerable position to be in, but it is the exact opposite.
    • Spend money on experiences and not things. Read more books. Have what she's having. Make things, always make things, physical things, even if its just paper cranes and home-cooked meals. Create and share. Understand that most people won't give a shit. That's okay. Always create. Enjoy the beauty of it.
  • Someone gave me this advice and it really has done wonders for my confidence. He said everywhere you go, whether it be the bathroom or an important meeting, always walk like you're going somewhere important. I started focusing on walking with purpose, and at first it felt really stupid. Then slowly people started wanting to walk with me... for no real reason. They just wanted to say hi and have a quick conversation. Suddenly I had all these acquaintances, and before long a few of those turned into friendships. More than one person would walk and talk with me, and I didn't do anything at all except pretend I was confident.
    • I don't know why, but people are really attracted to confidence, like the confidence will rub off on them or something. Work it. I faked it so long that I have a ton of real confidence now. I still don't talk any more than I used to, but when I do people listen because I speak with the confidence that my thoughts are worthy of their attention.
    • Edit: Just for clarity, I'd like to add that I don't mean this works on random strangers on the street. More like the people you work with, go to school with, etc. The people that see you on a daily basis but don't necessarily know you. Or maybe they do, whatever. The original question was how to not be permanently labeled as someone who never talks source
  • It's not that he's trying to make you live a life of boredom where all you do is work and die. He just wants you to realize that you've gotta earn those fun times. A life of fun will only make you selfish and spoiled whereas a life of responsibility will make you grumpy and callous. All little responsibility followed with an appropriate amount of careless abandon is what you should be striving for. source
  • "you don't have to be #1. You and that idiot over there are going to get the same degree no matter how hard you work." source
  • "Make everyday count. I'm not sayin do everything you can, just be the best person you can be in any situation." source
jul 15 2012 ∞
may 8 2013 +