• archetypes x
    • 40% creative (you appreciate all beautiful things, in art and daily life. the creative act is essential to who you are)
    • 35% performer (taking center stage comes naturally to you, whether at the water cooler or in front of an audience. you’re magnetic and know how to inspire)
    • 25% intellectual (you’re the ultimate dinner-party guest. engaging questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks)
  • the big five x
    • 95% open to new experiences; you enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways
    • 25% conscientiousness; you tend to do things somewhat haphazardly
    • 31% extroversion; you tend to shy away from social situations
    • 1% agreeableness; you find it easy to criticize others
    • 84% neuroticism; you are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.
  • aura x
    • red - deep, complex personality; bold and dominant; natural leaders; intense, overwhelming energy; love-hate relationships, strong reactions and feelings; warm and passionate people; "i'll try anything once"; quick to anger; strong in body and mind; can easily become bored and feel the need to move on to different interests, projects and relationships; leave their projects unfinished; open and upfront; competitive nature and need to succeed; prefer to run their own business or to be in positions of authority over others; logical, practical; don't display emotions easily; optimistic, like to be the center of attention; ambitious; passion and enthusiasm for live; impulsive; aggressive; "know-it-all"; short attention span.
jan 19 2014 ∞
jan 11 2015 +