Things people have said around the internet.

  • "I didn't want to know because I wanted to connect with my baby simply as a little 'being' - and to focus on the being and not start assigning my own gender prejudices and expectations on it, and on myself."- Mom on being team green.
  • "I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard's and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight, seek in life." - Mildred Loving on 40th anniversary of legalization of interracial marriage.
  • "It's a travesty that our society teaches girls not to get raped rather than teaching boys not to rape." - Blogger (Growing up Geeky) about her experience with sexual assault/Steubenville rape case.
  • "I am not ashamed of my legs nor am I ashamed of my body and I don't think you should be either. There was a point in time when I would wear jeans in the hottest of summers, all because I didn't want to show my legs. And at that point I was only a size 10. I wear whatever I want and share it with you because at one point, my insecurities wouldn't allow me to. So now that I've rid myself of that garbage, I will wear every and ANYTHING that makes me feel good. And you should too. Think about the root of the problem. When I realized that my dressing choices were completely geared to what I thought my skinnier counterparts would think of me... I CUT THAT ISH OUTTT . I've got one life to live and ONE chance to be "ME"; so bring onnnn the minis!" - Blogger (Flaws of Couture) on being plus size and wearing mini dresses.
  • "You may not agree with a woman, but to criticize her appearance — as opposed to her ideas or actions — isn’t doing anyone any favors, least of all you. Insulting a woman’s looks when they have nothing to do with the issue at hand implies a lack of comprehension on your part, an inability to engage in high-level thinking. You may think she’s ugly, but everyone else thinks you’re an idiot." - Hilary Clinton
  • "This is the society in which the most insulting word an adolescent boy — and some tomboys — can imagine being called is “girl.”" Angi Becker Stevens on societies few on femininity
mar 5 2013 ∞
aug 5 2013 +