• Not turn into a studpid monkey at 5am because I'm tired.
  • Leave early today so I can buy coffee to help the 5am problem.
  • Staying quiet and not getting to excited over weird things.
  • Harness the emense amount of patience I have and use it on my co-workers.
  • Let things be chill.
  • Ignore rude comments made and stand up for myself if it gets ridiculous.
  • Play scrabble on my Itouch
  • Get all the work done that needs to be done in a quick amount of time.
  • When I get on task- finish it. Don't get distracted by another task and forget the previous one. Finish one task at a time, and if people don't like it they can deal with it. I do each task 100%, and I don't half butt things.
  • Eat Healthy.
  • Stay happy.
  • Stay relaxed.
  • Streach and take my thirty minute break. Because it is there for a reason and I'm taking it... darnit.
nov 20 2010 ∞
dec 3 2010 +