• People think I enjoy cooking but actually I hate cooking, I just like to eat good food.
  • I am a control freak. If I don't get my way I am very hard to live with.
  • I am extremely bossy.
  • I have a weird sense of humor and laugh at inappropriate things (haven't outgrown potty humor).
  • I want to travel all around Europe with my sweetie.
  • Although I try to hide it with a gruff exterior, I am extremely sensitive and can't stand to see my anyone (especially my kids) upset.
  • Love Italian food, cheese and good wine.
  • I love to be surrounded by pictures I've taken of my family.
  • The beach is where I restore my soul.
  • I hate it when people go on and on with long drawn out stories. I just zone out and scream SHUT UP! in my head.
  • I love giraffes, penguins and sharks.
  • My favorite animals are bears. I'd love to be one someday.
  • I have an irrational dislike of fish. I have to go to different aquariums to watch what they are up to. I'd like to be a marine biologist just to keep an eye on them.
  • I don't have a lot of patience unless it means getting my way or not then I have all of the patience in the world.
  • I am not a people person, just good at pretending.
  • I love to sing but I am tone deaf and I can never remember the words.
  • I hate having stuff in my teeth so I compulsively floss and dig at my teeth with toothpicks that I leave everywhere (car door, desk at work, purse, night table). My husband also has the same compulsion so we often share old toothpicks. I know...GROSS!
  • I love cake.
  • I hate ice cream with fruit in it. If it isn't chocolate, it's not worth eating.
  • I love making things with my hands. Knitting scarves, making scrapbooks, cross stitching samplers...
  • I watch waaaay too much TV.
  • I seriously doubt my mother ever wanted or loved me.
jan 30 2011 ∞
feb 1 2011 +