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I'm an optomist, but I'll never admit it. Music is my life, literally. Ask for a good song, I'll give you five. Jeans, wearing my hair down, and eyeliner are my trademarks. I'm afraid of the dark and obsessed with my friends and boyfriend. I'd rather sit in a library all day than go to the movies. I'm made of one hundred percent flaws, and I can promise you there isn't one ounce of perfection in m...

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  • Make sure you act like yourself all the time, because then if someone likes you they like you for who are you are and not for the person you are trying to be, in the long run it will mean you've ended with someone who will like you at your best and worst.
  • Always say how you feel because if you don't chance is you'll miss an amazing opportunity.
  • Even though everybody will tell you live your life with no regrets, I say it's okay to regret things just live your life preventing them from happening again.
  • Take risks, do what you want to do with your life. It's good for your health. (:
  • When you have the chance to experience something new or take a risk never pass the opportunity up.
  • Just know, if you ever get in a situation where you need help, don't be afraid to ask. I will always be there, no questions asked.
  • Everything is okay in the end, so if it's not okay, it's not the end.
  • Don't make someone your priority when you're only their option.
  • I'm going to tell each of them I love them as much as I can.
  • Every night before I go to bed I'm going to go into their rooms and kiss them on the forehead and tell them to have the sweetest of dreams.
  • School does matter. And as much as you think you can just slide right through it, it will catch up to you in the end. So give it your best effort all of the time.
  • Respect and spend time with your grandparents. They are the most wise people you will ever meet, and before you know it the chance to learn their wisdom could be gone. So take advantage of it while you can.
  • Don't feel like you need to change who you are to be accepted. If you do, that person is not worth your time or your effort...move on. Better people will come along.
  • Don't lie. It gets you in more trouble than telling the truth would.
  • Always be happy.
  • Never accept less than you deserve.
  • Never question your intelligence, you're as smart as you choose to be.
jan 13 2009 ∞
jun 11 2012 +