01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yeah, we go along well most of the time02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? My mom i guess03: Do you regret anything? Yeah, things I've said, people I've kissed... I'm made of regret04: Are you insecure? A lottttttt05: What is your relationship status? Dating I suppose06: How do you want to die? In my sleep07: What did you last eat? A sandwich08: Played any sports? I hate sports09: Do you bite your nails? No10: When was your last physical fight? I dont remember (?)11: Do you like someone? Yas12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Ye13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Some of my teachers but nothing really serious14: Do you miss someone? Yes, my aunt15: Have any pets? I have a dog and a bird16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Fine I guess17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Yes18: Are you scared of spiders? YES19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? No, things are good now, maybe they wouldnt be if things were different20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? In a hammock21: What are your plans for this weekend? I dont have anything planned yet22: Do you want to have kids? How many? Yes, one or two23: Do you have piercings? How many? No24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Hirtory, Art, Math25: Do you miss anyone from your past? Not really26: What are you craving right now? I dont know27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I hope not28: Have you ever been cheated on? No29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? No30: What’s irritating you right now? My grades31: Does somebody love you? I think so32: What is your favourite color? Probably light pink33: Do you have trust issues? Yes it sucks34: Who/what was your last dream about? I dont remember35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? I only cry alone36: Do you give out second chances too easily? Yes37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? To forget38: Is this year the best year of your life? Definetly yes39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 1440: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? No51: Favourite food? Thats hard probably everythinf thats doesnt envolve guts52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yass53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Brush my teeth54: Is cheating ever okay? No55: Are you mean? I try not to be56: How many people have you fist fought? I dont know57: Do you believe in true love? Yes58: Favourite weather? fall59: Do you like the snow? never saw the snow60: Do you wanna get married? Not really61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I dont know I think its kinda weird????w62: What makes you happy? My friends63: Would you change your name? YES but I wont because my mom would be really sad64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? No its fine actually its great65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Talk about it, figure something out66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yes67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? My brother68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? My girlfriend69: Do you believe in soulmates? No70: Is there anyone you would die for? Yes

aug 24 2015 ∞
aug 31 2015 +