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Luhan // Medals (The Witness OST)

  • 是谁说伟大才值得被歌颂

(Who says only the mighty ones deserve an anthem) 乘风破浪后也不会一定成功 (Beating storms does not guarantee any good end) 生命只能向前 (Life must move forwards) 坚定信念的人都是英雄 (Those that hold on to their beliefs are all heroes)

Huang Zi Tao // I’m The Sovereign

  • 世界我自己主宰

(I rule this world myself) 冰冷的地带 (In this chillingly cold place) 总有片天地会属于自己 (There’s definitely a corner that belongs to myself) 命运是什么到底 (What exactly is fate?) 就像游戏 (It’s like a game) 一切就掌握在自己手里有疑问吗 (Everything’s in your hand, do you have a question about that?)

Huang Zi Tao // T.A.O

  • 我相信我的执着

(I trust my perseverance) 我相信我的选 (I trust my own decision) 到了离开的时候 (I achieved freedom after I left) 懂得了所谓自由 当我一个人出走 (And understood the freedom when I was leaving alone) 懂得了要为什么 (I understood why I need to be back) 我回来了 (I’m back) 巅峰的路线我的单行道 (A though road, my one-way road) 所有的阻碍都越过 (I need to overcome all obstacles) That’s my one way out

Huang Zi Tao // Alone

Rap Monster // 목소리 (Voice)

  • 행복이란 신기룬 거기 잡혀있을 줄 알았지

(I thought I could catch the mirage known as happiness) 하지만 책상 앞의 난 단 한 순간도 행복하지 않았지 (but the me in front of my desk wasn’t happy even for a moment)

  • 1등을 해도 내 맘은 늘 편치 못했었지

(even when I was #1 my heart couldn’t relax) 남들이 원하는 걸 꼭 원할 필요 있는가 (is there a need to want the things that others want) 난 한평생 한이 담긴 한숨 쉬며 살기보다 (rather than living an entire life while sighing breaths full of han*) 한을 떼어내고 그냥 숨을 쉬며 사는 길을 택했어 (I chose to live a life of stripping away my han and breathing easily)

Rap Monster // 각성 (Awakening)

  • just tell me that I can survive in this cold world, just feel my vibe

I know one day at a time the sun gon’ shine

  • 밤마다 내 안에 있는 나 스스로와 싸워

(every night inside me I quietly fight with myself)

Rap Monster // Throw away

  • Throw away 태도와 꼰대 마인드

(attitudes and the minds of the old) 다 태워버려 머리 어깨 가슴까지 (commit it all to the flames, head, shoulders until your chest)

Rap Monster // Life

  • 산다는 건 외로움을 알아감의 연속

(living is consecutively awareness and loneliness) 주변에 사람들이 얼마나 있건 없건 (whether you have many people around you or not) 내 안의 작은 나는 언제나 외로웠어 (the little me inside myself was always lonely) 외로움의 반대말은 왜 없을까 (why is there no opposite word of loneliness?) 사람은 죽을 때까지 안 외로울 때가 없어서일지 몰라 (could it be because people, until they die, have no moments of not being lonely?) 주변이 시끌벅적하게 넘치는 듯하다가도 (even if our surroundings are boisterou) 혼자여야 하는 순간이 반드시 찾아와 (it’s necessary to seek a moment to be alone)

  • 죽음을 담보로 하기에 삶은 더 아름다운 것

(life is more beautiful knowing that we’ve taken a loan on death) 빛도 어둠이 있어야 진정 빛이듯이 (even light is treasured more when there’s darkness) 거친 폭풍우 뒤 햇살 비치듯이 (the sunshine appears after we’ve passed through the storm)

  • 살 만큼 산 것 같아도

아직도 모르지 (we still don’t know if we’ve lived to the extent that we can)

  • 우린 타올라야 해. 세상이 너무 차가워서

(we have to set it ablaze, because the world is too cold) 누구도 얼릴 수 없게 내가 날 해할지언정 (so nobody can know, rather than doing me) 누구도 얼릴 수 없게 내가 날 해할지언정 (at times we’re right, I don’t know if there’ll be a time when it doesn’t seem wrong)

Rap Monster // 표류 (Adrift/Drifting)

  • 무엇을 위해서

(what are we) 살아가는지 (living for) 알지 못했었지 (we couldn’t know) 행복을 위해서 (they say that we’re) 살아간다는데 (living for happiness) 그게 대체 뭔지 (but what is that)

  • 난 길을 잃었는지도

(I don’t know whether I’ve lost the way) 아니면 첨부터 길은 없었는지도 몰라 (or whether from the beginning I was lost) 누구와 있어도 마음 한 켠은 외롭잖아 (even when I’m with someone, one corner of my heart is lonely)

  • 나의 의미는 어디에

(where is my meaning) 나의 마음은 어디에 (where is my heart) 이 넓은 우주에 (in this vast universe) 끝없이 표류해 (I’m endlessly adrift)

Rap Monster // Believe

✧__Rap Monster // Too much__

✧__Rap Monster // Do you__

dec 18 2016 ∞
dec 21 2016 +