▾ tips
- 1 grams:
- of carbohydrate » 4 kcal
- of fat » 9kcal
- of protein » 4 kcal
- by climbing up 12 floors (3 minutes in total) can make you lose approximately 1 kilo in 4 months
- divide meal into two pieces: firstly eat half, after drink a cup of coffee or tea without any sugar, then decide how much of the other half piece you would like to finish
- do not go shopping hungry
- drink at least 2 litres of water a day
- eat fruit yogurt or yogurt with muesli as desserts
- eating often and in small quantities enables your metabolism work faster than normal
- food that increase blood sugar quickly will cause you to feel hungry more frequently and will put your diet in a difficult position. try not to consume the foods especially with sugar, white flour and white rice
- green tea without sugar increases the metabolism speed and by that enables you to give you extra calorie all day
- hot spices enables you to burn more calorie by increasing the metabolism speed during the digesting period but your stomach health is mote important than that
- if you start a day with 10 minutes exercise, your body metabolism will work faster the whole day and you will spend more energy than usual
- more tips !
- spending an additional 7000 kcal will enable you to burn 1 kilo of fat from your body
- stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed
- try not to take any alcohol
- when the weather is cold, your metabolism work faster and you burn calorie more than usual
▾ others
- check
- 4 ounces grains
- 1oz = ½ cup cereals or cooked rice
- 1½ cups vegetables
- 1 cup = 1 cup raw or cooked, 2 cups leafy salad greens or 1 cup 100% vegetable juice
- 1 cup fruits
- 1 cup = 1 cup raw or cooked, ½ cup dried fruit or 1 cup 100% fruit juice
- 2½ cups dairy
- 1 cup = 1 cup fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt or fortified soy milk
- 3 ounces protein foods
- 1oz = 1oz poultry or seafood, 1 egg, 1tbsp peanut butter; ¼ cup cooked beans or peas or ½oz nuts or seeds
- phisical activity
- at least 60 minutes each day
- cheat sheet & want some more
- aim for these amounts each week:
- 1 cup dark green veggies
- 3 cups red & orange veggies
- ½ cup beans & peas
- 3½ cups starchy veggies (such as: corn, green peas, baked beans, potato)
- 2½ cups other veggies
ma la pancia gonfia ?
- dieta di 2 giorni per pancia gonfia
- alimenti ~giusti~
- menta
- zenzero
- peperoncino
- ananas
- agrumi
- avena
- crusca
- noci
- mela verde
- porri
- & more tips
- frutta lontano dai pasti
- masticaremasticaremasticare pia~no
- no proteine+proteine
- no carbo+carne
- no carbo+carbo
aceto di mele ( #ehw )
- una volta a settimana, prima della doccia, frizionarne un po' sulle mani e passarlo dove si ha la cellu !!
- ma cosa accelera il metabolismo?
- peperoncino
- cereali integrali (such as: fiocchi d'avena, farina d'avena, cereali integrali, pane di segale, cracker e gallette di segale, gallette di riso integrale, riso integrale, orzo integrale, bulgur, quinoa, farro)
- broccoli
- té verde
- salmone
nov 21 2013 ∞
oct 14 2016 +