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i like soft, light stuff

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乙女解剖 about me (currently...)
  • Imaginative/Creative

The emotional, sensitive and introspective aspect allows you to more easily access your creative and imaginative side. From an early age, he likes to console himself and entertain himself in fantastic and dreamlike worlds in which his imagination allows him to compensate for the great inhibition he feels in real life. This imaginary world that he has created and in which he somehow believes will be able to materialize in the future, serves him to metabolize everyday reality. Poetry, art and music become channels of expression to the outside.

  • This one you should already tell, I'm somewhat of an eternal child, through my imagination I can live my fantasies and often I am happy in my imagination even if none of these things are tangible I generally get self-referential as a way to block an ordinary/boring world, disconnecting from wordly affairs, having difficulty with menial tasks or work, the general concept of happiness does not satisfy me (dating, marrying, having kids, having a job, hoarding money) even if I find positives on it too is something I can't compromise to, I have flights of omnipotence and imagining my ideals as somewhat close to reality (plus convincing myself that all of it is real) is what brings me constant satisfaction (ironically). I'm not much of a poetry person and sometimes I even mock more artistic expressions, but I recognize I have my own channels for that means. Especially with cosplays, I'm extremely artistic in my interpretations and often I find myself wanting to portray that character to the most fidelity and dramaticity especially if it is a kin of mine (which probably means I want to express myself through it ugh 🙄🤣). And the thing about relying on it since an early age to compensate for an in real life inhibition was 100% me. Now it is definitely less about inhibition compared to before.
  • Sensible
  • ✓ Yes

Low self-esteem and the need to defend yourself from others lead you to reject criticism or behaviors that challenge you. Their gaze perpetually directed to the outside world and the continuous comparison he makes with himself lead him to give a subjective reading and interpretation of what happens; the slightest criticism annihilates him, he feels that he has given a lot, more than the others, he finds himself again without recognition. In addition, since it is difficult for him to express his opinion directly for fear of being hurt or conflicted, he expects the same from others (understanding, empathy).

I do not have low self-esteem but I do reject criticism so maybe I'm in copium ✌️ I tend to continuously interpret what is going on, and be sensible to criticism even if I do not show. "He feels that he has given a lot, more than the others, he finds himself again without recognition" <- very often. I used to be very scared to share my thoughts but I wouldn't say that applies to me right now. I do expect understanding and empathy though.

  • Romantic

√ Kinda... yes? For this character, life is hard, difficult and sad, but it is characterized by a romantic feeling inside. Thanks to his romanticism, the world becomes lighter and more bearable, it is as if he added a note or a touch of color to so much pain. The romantic vision that he harbors within him is expressed in the world through poetry, music and the search for positive loving situations and opportunities. It is as if he did not resign himself to the harsh reality through his romantic aspect. It is as if through romance he sweetened a bitter pill.

  • Bro I do romanticize life and giving color to things allow me to see more beauty in it! I just wouldn't say life is sad, hard and difficult tho I often find myself agreeing to it.
  • Passive-aggressive/self-destructive

He is not allowed to express anger, he always represses hatred. Showing hatred for his mother (or father) would be tantamount to losing her, something no child could afford. So he learned to repress his hatred and swallow it, he began to hate himself believing himself defective, unworthy of love, guilty of not being loved, in order to save his mother. The parental anger you experienced in childhood is too destructive and distressing

  • Haha does that surprise anyone? 😆 that trait could appear in 20 different types and I would say yes to all of them. I do have the irrational belief that it is not allowed to express anger, that it would lead into me being left alone, that they will hate me for it, with a special mention to my parents, I learned to withstand anger and "the parental anger you experienced in childhood is too destructive and distressing" is sadly 100% accurate. I just don't "hate himself believing himself defective, unworthy of love, guilty of not being loved". Maybe feeling defective is something I relate too.
  • Introspective
  • Yes... somewhat

The closure, the isolation in which he takes refuge as a child and in which he grows up, somehow leads him to spend a lot of time in contact with himself, listening to and analyzing himself, doing with himself what no one did when he was a child. Pain and contact with suffering continually stimulate him to study himself and to investigate his inner dynamics, he longs to get out of his suffering and has to continually face it, but he does not believe that this can be done by acting or making decisions on his own. life. Instead, he prefers an interior movement of study and analysis of how he is, what he feels and why.

  • Alright that is controversial because I do avoid introspection through obsessive optimism and an outside focus (focus on things happening outside or thoughts of what to do rather than stopping to carefully analyze my feelings, often rejecting introspection in order to adapt to the current situation's demands). However, as a child, that applied to me perfectly. I grew with a lot of contact with what I think, feel, and analyzing behavior, both mine's and others. So I recognize in myself a tendency to never accept things at face value, but rather be continuously generating insight into what is going on.
  • Reserved
  • Yes, it seems

He is extremely private, and only talks about himself and his intimate experience with very few people, as he does not trust others to understand him. Since childhood he has experienced not being understood, not being seen, having the feeling that no one is aware of his needs, and therefore, as an adult, he has no faith that there is someone who can understand him deeply.

  • Alright I wouldn't place myself in the extremely private category (though again, child self would agree totally), I am not one to open up often and talk about my conflicts. And I do generally have a feel of not being able to trust or that I should not rely on anyone. So maybe I'm in 💞 copium 💞 and I do feel like others won't understand me.
  • Feminine
  • √ Yes

Delicate, sweet and languid. It poses in a delicate and tender way, and therefore also in the masculine social E4, the characteristics of listening, welcoming, understanding, caring, as well as a friendly physiognomy in which the smile, a manifestation of benevolence towards the world, is always insinuated as a background note. There is no trace of aggressiveness or attack in him, but of sweetness and tenderness.

  • Alright I'm growing more aggressive as a person and making amends with the fact I can show aggression since I found great rewards in standing up for myself. So I wouldn't describe myself as having no trace of aggressiveness or attack but. Here is the part where I admit external imput can be very valid and helpful. I know the looks other people have on me. What they think of me, how they perceive me, I'm often very aware of that kind of stuff. And yes I share the traits of "listening, welcoming, understanding, caring, as well as a friendly physiognomy" and the smiles. Almost everyone sees me as a non-offensive person. They quickly get the truth about me. They know I'm the type to not hurt a fly, even if I pose myself as a tough one sometimes. I have a too kind physiognomy. So they often trust me with ease. So I do fit the trait.
  • Gentle

He is always kind, expresses himself in soft ways and approaches, as he wants to avoid conflicts and losses. Use kindness to please the other, try to avoid behaviors that can provoke or irritate. She has learned to stand on her toes in the world, to try to prevent or avoid the parent's mood swings or attacks, and thus has learned since childhood that this soft way is what works best for her in the relationship

  • Obvious compulsion. Not much to explain. I even make an effort to not be like that.
  • Comprehensive

Willing to understand the motives of others, strong empathy combined with fear of abandonment and conflict makes you lenient and benevolent towards the motives and reasons of others. He tends to put himself in the place of the other, he justifies his actions even in situations in which he is humiliated or is not seen, he has difficulties with separation, as well as in primary relationships. From a young age he learns that it is better not to express his opinion or clearly what he wants because this creates a distance with his parents. Thus he learns to understand them, to justify them.

  • Not much to explain again, that is exactly what happens.
  • Lazy and Procrastinator
  • √ Yes....

You are recalcitrant about committing and lazy about getting a task done. He tends to postpone his execution because he always feels that he is not up to the task and very often he believes that he is incapable or that he does not do it to the best of his ability. Fear of failure paralyzes you. Obviously, this is closely related to low self-esteem and lack of confidence in their own abilities. No one ever believed in him; as a child he was not only not encouraged, but which, on the contrary, was devalued. His procrastination is linked to the need to do things as perfectly as possible, even beyond. He does not admit mistakes to himself and this requires him in the actions that he then undertakes enormous energy to complete the task.

  • Is this related to low self-esteem and lack of confidence in my own abilities? Honestly I would have to be in deep denial to not recognize it, but I do have a lack of energy and initiative toward tasks, and suffer from procrastination 🌹 I postpone a lot.
  • Criticism and Self-disqualification
  • Kinda 🧐

He is critical and disqualifying both with himself and with others. He tends to be critical of himself because it is the experience he has had. It has been heavily criticized, disqualified. To the extent that he compares himself with others and in order not to be completely annihilated by the superiority of others, he tends to have a critical look and to express, not directly, disapproval, negative judgments about the other, his way of being. or to work. So the criticism of the other is born of an attempt to survive, not to be completely crushed by the comparison with the outside world.

  • So hm here is the territory that made me consider 1. I do have an easiness to criticize both my actions and others. I don't feel others are superior and contrary to that, at times I place myself in a level of superiority as to judge others actions.
  • Sadness and Suffering
  • × Nah

He is sad and suffers from a young age, even before he is aware of it; when he becomes an adult he continues to drag this suffering, since he remains attached to that need to receive that has never been satisfied. His attention does not shift, he does not find compensation in life because it is as if he is still waiting for that love. There is a part of him that is obstinate in not wanting to give her up and that is why he does not learn to give himself the love that he did not receive in childhood. Thus, love becomes something sublime, inaccessible, almost impossible to find and experience.

  • I don't really understand this.
  • Proud
  • I'm not sure?

He reacts superbly to an offense and a wound, in the sense that in order to defend himself he creates a distance with the other, or he even leaves, separates, becomes cold and distant. He does not back down, he resists his suffering without showing it and confuses pride with strength, he has the illusion that through pride he can protect himself. it retriggers the wound in the same way that it hurts the most.

  • I'm not sure if I get that lol but yes? Idk
  • Shy
  • 50/50

You like to be social and need others, but you tend to hide and find it difficult to expose yourself, especially in a new and wide social context. Shyness is due to an excessive concern for the judgment of others, the perception of being inferior to others and a feeling of inadequacy. From a very young age he experiences the weight of being judged, often being asked to be different than he was or to better fit the context. You develop an excessive tendency to focus on your inner world of thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

  • Nowadays, not really. I don't relate to this. But as a child that was 100% true. And the "from a very young age he experiences the weight of being judged, often being asked to be different than he was or to better fit the context" is a YES.
  • Pessimistic / Distrustful
  • × Nah

You perceive the world as dangerous and unpredictable, so you tend to always see the negative side of things and situations. Through his pessimism he believes he can anticipate and control the pain he will feel when something bad happens, because he is sure it will! He has no confidence in the course of events or even in himself, this becomes functional to remain passive and withdrawn and at the same time to be able to complain and suffer.

  • Not at all.
  • Insecure
  • Kinda yes

He has the constant doubt that his actions or words can lead to difficult or irremediable situations and that they can lead him to disappoint the other and be abandoned by him; this, of course, makes him very insecure. As a child, the father corrected his actions a lot or even criticized him often, which made him insecure and hesitant, especially when it came to taking the initiative or acting instinctively.

  • Hmmm I have not much to add, I often feel like I don't know what to do as to avoid worsening things and simutaneously not disappointing anyone.
  • Complain / Claim

He complains about small things, he is impatient. Need to continually express and externalize dissatisfaction (I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm bored). Through the complaint he seeks attention and confirmation that another is available and sees him. Complaining is also their way of feeling the other person is present in the relationship, it is a bit like a thermometer to check that they are always there, that they have not gone away. However, in situations where he is really hurt or has a real deep need, he tends to withdraw and not share, because he thinks that no one will be able to help him. The emptiness and anguish he feels are indescribable; He doesn't feel like he can trust anyone, he mistrusts others and life so much that he thinks that no one can really help him in the face of so much pain (and, above all, that there is nothing he can do to stop it). It is as if he were desperate, exhausted. He also feels shame wash over him; Showing yourself in such pain in front of the other person makes you feel enormous shame and E4 feels even more miserable.

Silence It is silent, it tends not to make noise, not to be noticed, not to bother. To be accepted, one must not disturb the other, not disturb one's own mother, and for this reason, as an adult, one tends to be silent, not to interfere with the atmosphere of the environment, not to be seen by the other.

Altruistic/Helpful Being helpful and helping arises in the subject from the idea that love must be deserved, that it is not free. He has learned that in order to be loved, he must earn that love in some way and that is why, when something is asked of him, he spontaneously puts himself at the service of the other person. In addition, he has experienced the feeling of need and, therefore, it is as if he somehow knows from within the feeling of the one who needs help, and being clearly empathetic, it is automatic for him to go to the other. Finally, we must add to tell him that he finds it difficult not to do someone's request. Backing away makes him uncomfortable; when he does, he feels that he is in danger of losing something, perhaps of losing the other person or of being abandoned.

Hypersensitive It is extremely sensitive to loud noises, raised tones of voice, and sudden gestures. It is as if he had developed in his existence a sense of constant danger, as if he was constantly on the alert when exposed to the danger of being attacked and therefore reacts with jerks, Sometimes even with excessive vocal emissions in reaction to environmental stimuli that may arise suddenly.

Jealous He is jealous of his partner, but he can also be jealous of other beings he loves, even friends. His jealousy comes from the fear that someone else will be preferred over him, since that is the experience he had as a child, when he felt ignored compared to his brothers. Furthermore, this fear is made even more vivid by the fact that he has developed a lack of self-confidence and is therefore convinced that another person can be much more interesting than he is in the eyes of his beloved.

Empathic He has a great ability to put himself in another's place, to live his emotional experience. This attitude is supported by his sensitivity and emotionality. In addition, empathizing with the other allows you to feel useful in the relationship. Empathy unites the other and removes the feeling of guilt for not intervening or helping.

oct 17 2022 ∞
oct 17 2022 +