• Eating a burnt Toaster Strudel.
    • I actually made two... only one burned. Oh, well.
  • Thinking about my camera(should I take it?)
    • The next item on this list should give me my answer(depending on how safe I want my camera to be).
  • "90% humid... well, my hair sucks anyway."
    • I stood in the bathroom for a while pointing out how flat my hair looks today. I am currently contemplating if I should wear it up or down.
  • "I really want to wear my Mickey sweater somewhere."
    • It just might be a little too light and the only coat I have to put over it is A: Too snug with a sweater under it. B: Makes me look like a hobo. Nothing against hobos, that is... I just don't know if I want to look like one at this point in time.
  • Contemplating why my cat gets excited when I say something out loud.
    • And then I remember: She is in heat.
dec 10 2010 ∞
aug 27 2011 +