• autophagy regulation (2016) (dropped / ★★☆☆☆)
    • i'm a big shonen reader, and i've never read a chinese one before, so naturally, i decided to read this when it was randomly generated on kissmanga. i didn't read the manga very consistently due to uni/work; i don't know if that contributed to my lack of interest in the manga five chapters in, but i got pretty bored from reading it and i don't think i'll read it again. i will say that neville is very reminiscent of one piece's roronoa zoro by demeanor and physical appearance LOL.
  • satougashi no dangan wa uchinukenai (2007) (completed / ★★★★☆)
    • i think i started reading this manga about a year or so ago, but i finally had the time to sit down and read it. the overall mood of the manga is melancholic, which made it difficult to read. i had a a difficult time understanding mokuzu and even found her to be annoying, but everything that happens towards the end made me pity her. there's definitely lots of twists and turns while reading this, and it also made me think a lot about how children feel growing up and enduring the onslaught of adulthood. this manga is a little gem, and i recommend reading it. n__n
  • nanbaka (2013) (dropped / ★★★☆☆)
    • at first, i was put-off by the bright colors and the absurdness of each character. i eventually got used to it and started to enjoy the manga until the tournament, where everything spiraled out of control in terms of what nanbaka is supposed to be. to me, it was part of the comedy genre, but it started to dabble into action, drama, and fantasy. it got too much for me to read. nanbaka should've stuck to its roots and continued normal jailbird life, combined with the weird antics of each of the characters.
may 16 2018 ∞
dec 2 2018 +